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  • Hossain Ahmad

    Hossain Ahmad

    Email & Landing Page Designer
    All activity
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
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    Congratulations on the launch!
    One simple app to grow your digital agency
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
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    What's your go-to tactic for attracting cost-conscious clients?

    3 Proven strategies we use to win ⇣⇣⇣ ⇢ Competitive Pricing: Showcase your value proposition. Highlight how your expertise and results justify your rates in the digital landscape. ⇢ Strategic Discounts & Offers: Craft tailored packages or limited-time promotions. Think "social media audit + content calendar" bundles or "first-month strategy session" discounts. ⇢ Cost-Benefit Analysis:...
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Samar Ali
    🔥 657 day streak + 4001 friends + 7664 points. Thank you!
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch!
    Quote work in minutes, capture change requests instantly
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    We're on LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. Stay connected <3
    Rupal Saini
    Which platform are you more active on, Twitter or LinkedIn?
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Launch Soon. Super Excited!🤩
    Finally Writing a Book on Product Hunt!😏
    +1 comment
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
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    People don't care.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Do You Care About What You Eat?
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Select a niche, personalize your contents!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    How to increase click through rate in newsletter?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    Join the discussion
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Not launching soon, but here to review your product.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Are you launching soon? Let's support each other 🚀🚀
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Looks cool, crazzy app!
    Lazy Weather app
    Lazy Weather app
    The simplest most useful weather app so far
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    left a comment
    Congratulations on the launch!
    Bridging the networking gap one swipe at a time
    Hossain Ahmad
    Hossain Ahmad
    started a discussion

    Using TikTok for Marketing? Share your handle...

    Hey fellow startup enthusiasts! We all know LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B connections, but what about reaching a wider audience and building brand love? That's where the exploding world of TikTok comes in. Here's why TikTok is a game-changer for startup marketing: » Massive Reach » Content is King (and Queen) » Organic Growth Potential ️» Community Building » Trend-jacking Made Easy Think...