Jakob Muratov

Jakob Muratov

Sales / Growth / BD at Heron Data 🚀
21 points
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Jakob Muratov
The Heron Score is an SMB credit risk model based on bank transactions predicting the likelihood that the company will pay back its debt with 0.74 AUC.
Heron Data: Cashflow Scoring for SMBs
Heron Data: Cashflow Scoring for SMBs
Predict business credit risk using bank data
Jakob Muratov
Calculate 120+ spreads in under a minute with just three months of bank statements or a Plaid connection. Stop spreading manually and improve time-per-file from ~15 minutes to 1 minute with Heron Data.
Heron Data: Company Reports
Heron Data: Company Reports
Underwrite an SMB in one minute with three bank statements
Jakob Muratov
Like Cassandra - the Trojan prophetess - you can now use Heron Data to make true predictions about the future. Unlike Cassandra, our predictions are trained and tested against thousands of datapoints and specifically relate to the future of small businesses.
Heron Data: Cassandra
Heron Data: Cassandra
Predict company events from bank data, starting with NSFs
Jakob Muratov
Turn PDF bank statements into parsed transactions + insights in seconds. No human-in-the-loop. Fraud detection. Join 100+ B2B Lenders and Fintechs turning PDFs into cash-based P&Ls with Heron Data.
Bank Statement Parsing & Fraud Detection
Bank Statement Parsing & Fraud Detection
Instantaneous bank statement PDF parsing and fraud detection
Jakob Muratov
Jakob Muratov
left a comment
Congrats on the launch! Looks awesome :)
1 click carbon accounting for startups
Jakob Muratov
Jakob Muratov
left a comment
This is great - congrats, Tranch team!
B2B buy now, pay later for software and services
Jakob Muratov
Jakob Muratov
left a comment
Very cool! Congrats on the launch :)
Set up your startup's banking, cards, and bill pay