Jeremy Kovac

Jeremy Kovac

Product @RoseRocket, Building gSweets
156 points
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Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
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Congrats on the launch Sarim!
Supercharge your GitHub workflow
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
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Congrats on the launch! Huge fan of this idea and great execution!
Create highlights across the internet & send them to Notion
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
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congrats on the launch team!
Fluent 1.0
Fluent 1.0
Learn a new language while you live your life
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
started a discussion

Is your product a vitamin or painkiller?

Hey everyone, Just wanted to share a challenging but honest update I think fellow builders should learn from. I've been working on gSweets for nearly a year now. Having done 20+ user interviews pre-launch we had a sense early on that the project was seen more as a vitamin than a painkiller ā€“ that is more of a nice-to-have than a must-have. We were ok with that at the time since we thought it...
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
left a comment
Brilliantly executed. congrats on the launch team!! šŸš€
Find out what Facebook knows about you, and delete it.
Jeremy Kovac
gSweets slash commands save you time, and keep you in a state of flow. Our first batch of shortcuts let you format text, add screenshots, and search emojis, GIFs, and stock photos. Add it to Chrome for free today. Designed to be 100% private.
Save time in Google Docs with Notion-like shortcuts
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
left a comment
Wow this is amazing. Thanks for your generosity!
Free music every week for videos, ads, games & podcasts
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
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Just signed up, this is looks really sleek. Great work team.
New Mailbrew
New Mailbrew
Here's an all-new Mailbrew, re-made from the ground up.
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
left a comment
Awesome work team!
Control your web apps with one command line
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
left a comment
This is really cool
Play NBA2K20 in your browser with a controller
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
left a comment
This is really dope! Bookmarked! Great work Jordan :)
Good Books
Largest curated collection of 6,500+ book recommendations.
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
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Nice work Colin!
Brand Backgrounds
Custom Branded Virtual Backgrounds for Zoom
Jeremy Kovac
Jeremy Kovac
left a comment
Really nice work Scott. Clean design and comms. Simple value prop that can totally scale!
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