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  • John Brown

    John Brown

    Tech Event Planner
    49 points
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    John Brown
    John Brown
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    Wrapping up a Zoom meeting.
    Florence Edith
    What are you doing now?
    Florence Edith
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    John Brown
    John Brown
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    I practice setting clear goals and reviewing them regularly. It helps me stay on track and measure my progress.
    What is a good habit you have that you believe has been key to your success?
    John Brown
    John Brown
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    I love autumn because of the cool weather and beautiful fall colors.
    Nayab ishfaq
    What's your favorite season and why?
    John Brown
    John Brown
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    A quick workout or run in the morning really wakes me up and sets a positive tone for the day.
    Patryk Pijanowski
    What activities in the morning give you energy for the whole day?
    Patryk Pijanowski
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    John Brown
    John Brown
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    i am tweaking my time management. Trying to juggle tasks more efficiently and stay organized.
    Ernest Wolfe
    What's one skill you're currently working on improving?
    John Brown
    John Brown
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    I dont have dinner with Elon Musk. I’d love to hear his thoughts on the future of technology.
    Nayab ishfaq
    If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
    John Brown
    John Brown
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    Many Many Congratulation on 366 Days Streak and Keep it up
    + 1 YEAR STREAK 🔥 (366 DAYS)
    Soroush Malekyari
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    John Brown
    John Brown
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    I use ChatGPT for brainstorming and drafting content.
    Mahendra D
    Hello, what AI is very helpful for your work now?
    John Brown
    John Brown
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    I’d probably dive into building my own product.
    Dheeraj Jha
    If you are a college student what will you do build your own product or freelance or Placement