Josh Waller

Josh Waller

Building things šŸ’»
21 points
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Josh Waller
ForumScout is a free search engine that finds posts and threads on virtually any forum on the internet. New data every second. No trackers or ads.
The forum search engine
Josh Waller
Sometimes it's hard to find the right words to express how you feel and get your point across. ToastwithAI lets you focus on what matters most: your message. Our AI is trained to mimic your tone of voice for a natural sounding speech that flows smoothly šŸ’šŸ„‚
Personally tailored wedding speeches in minutes
Josh Waller
No-one reads Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policies. Our free browser extension uses GPT-4 to generate clear, concise summaries of any website's legal policies for you to skim over before you accept them.
A chrome extension that summarises web policies with GPT-4
Josh Waller
All Neversleep hoodies have a unique QR code on the right sleeve. This code can be controlled by the wearer by setting it to link to anything they want, at anytime, from their Neversleep account.
Customisable QR Code Clothing
Josh Waller
We want to build the most unbiased news platform on the internet by providing neutral and unbiased news articles that can be governed by the public.
An open-source, unbiased news company