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Lars Karbo
Dashboard for Tracking key metrics of NFT Projects
Track floor price, volume and sales data of NFT projects
Lars Karbo
With Personate you can create professional product videos in just a few minutes, and have them narrated by a life-like AI model.
AI-powered personalized videos
Lars Karbo
Napchart is a website where you can interactively plan, schedule, and visualize time around a 24-hour circle.
24 hours time visualizer
Lars Karbo
Imitate lets you practice pronunciation with real-life videos from youtube, and lets you listen to your own recordings to have an instant feedback loop.
Learn French pronunciation with real-life videos
Lars Karbo
Watch local videos, images and files together in real time through the browser.
Watch local files together in real time
Lars Karbo
Lars Karbo
left a comment
Nice job @guar47!
Learning Story
Learning Story
Community of people who learn in public
Lars Karbo
Slapper let's you organize music from any streaming service. You can also annotate, mark up segments, and AB-repeat.
Audio moodboard for Spotify and Youtube segments
Lars Karbo
Lars Karbo
left a comment
Thanks! Really like it!
Back up your next TikTok with a bit of science.
Lars Karbo
Lars Karbo
started a discussion

How can I become a hunter?

Hi! I'm still a bit confused of how ProductHunt works in terms of makers vs hunters. Right now I have a friend launching and it would be the perfect moment to "hunt" him. I don't think he will launch on PH by himself.
Lars Karbo
Lars Karbo
left a comment
Love the video in the beginning, the way the screen recording is done. DId you use a tool for that?
Shape 2
5000+ fully customizable assets for your web design projects
Lars Karbo
Lars Karbo
left a comment
I like this!
Profiler: Ideal Customer Profile Kit
Free templates to accurately identify your best customers