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Matty Reed
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I wrote an article about this very question called "The Founder's Plunge".
Read below for an excerpt:
When is the best time to take the plunge and found a company?
The common advice is to wait until you’ve de-risked the decision by keeping your day job until the side-gig has sufficient revenue and growth. This way you never lose your income, and the...
When is it the right time to go full time?
The first app to close the feedback loop on time management, helping you close the gap between your intentions and your actions.
✔️ Track and understand where your time is spent
✔️ Hold yourself accountable to goals
✔️ Gamify self-improvement
✔️ Track and understand where your time is spent
✔️ Hold yourself accountable to goals
✔️ Gamify self-improvement
Align your time with your goals & optimize your life
Matty Reed
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This is a great question and something I've thought about a lot since I'm launching an app in the productivity realm.
I really just try to find the handful of high-leverage tools that have the greatest ROI.
One example is my sleep tracker SleepCycle. Just measuring my sleep has changed my behavior tremendously.
Another example is the app I'm building called TimeAlign! It measures and...
The Productivity Paradox - When Too Many Tools Become a Distraction
Leo Paz
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Matty Reed
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It is just a fancy number... with that said, you linked me to a useful reddit discussion when I asked a question a few days ago, so can confirm you're bringing value!
🔥 342 day streak on Product Hunt. Do you think it's important?
Ghost Kitty
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Matty Reed
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Time blocking.
Not just for your work tasks, but also for your:
- Exercise
- Quality time with loved ones
- Rest/breaks
- Adventures
Time blocking personal time has the following benefits:
1. You are more likely to actually do something if you make a commitment on your calendar to do it at a specific time for a specific duration.
2. Work is less likely to interfere with personal time if your...
What is your tips to develop a work life balance?
Ivany Wardhana
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Matty Reed
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I'm currently shopping for the best video subtitles/captioning tool, so I'd love to try this! Is there a discount for PH launch?
Also, FYI, your grammar on the second slide is bad. It should read: "Words that pop!"
Not a great look for a subtitle product if the grammar on the subtitles is off. ;)
Dynamic subtitles video editor
Matty Reed
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I started with Sketch and Moved to Figma. It was really no competition.
Which design tool do you prefer?
Tejasvineela R
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Matty Reed
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It is possible to launch an MVP too soon!
I take YC advice seriously, but their advice to launch as soon as possible is a bit misleading. We launched TimeAlign "Alpha" to a handful of eager users, but the product was underdeveloped and we ended up losing trust with these early users because they were expecting more value.
The lessons learned:
- Don't call your product an MVP until you have...
5 lessons learned from our recent product launch.
Sarath Chandran
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Matty Reed
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Whoop for time management!
Tell me what you’re building in one sentence!
Matty Reed
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I still find a lot of the GPT wrappers a bit lacking and find myself coming back to ChatGPT for most things. I definitely use Github Copilot a lot, but I haven't found myself using other niche "AI Assistants" in my daily life.
I love your product idea though, so I'll def check it out! My problem with sugar is less about knowing exactly how much is in everything I eat and finding alternatives...
Do You Use a Personal AI Assistant in Your Daily Life?
Ghulam Abbas
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Matty Reed
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What is the HIGHEST LEVERAGE activity I should be doing with a week left til launch?
One week til I launch my product TimeAlign on Product Hunt. As someone obsessed with self optimization and aligning my time with my goals (yes, that's the name of the thing ;) I'm wondering how to best invest my limited time for the greatest return on time invested.
Matty Reed
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Can I change the weights of the variables? For example, remote work is MUCH more important than vacation policy for me. So fully remote would result in a much better work-life balance than an on-site job with lots of vacation time.
Calm Jobs
Find jobs from companies with better work-life balance
Matty Reed
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Yes! I am a novice developer and this sounds like the tool I've been looking for. I keep asking the seasoned developers on my team why I can't just describe what I need and search for it within the codebase instead of searching for exact terms or files.
Looking forward to installing this!
Archivist: AI Search for Code
Blazingly fast semantic search for your codebase
Matty Reed
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This is a great idea! I want to share this with my therapist. I have a couple questions:
1. How do you ensure client information is kept private? Is the information being sent to an LLM (like GPT) for processing?
2. How is this different than a GPT with a prompt?
Your AI powered therapy assistant
Matty Reed
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I've been using Opal for 6 months now. When I first saw this product, it looked very similar. But after digging in a bit, it seems you've come up with a better solution and you've addressed my biggest issue with Opal.
Opal allows me to categorize screen time as good or bad, but the reporting treats all screen time the same.
I don't care about my screen time, I care about WASTED time. There...
Track your digital dopamine, break your phone addiction
Matty Reed
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Your website is absolutely brilliant! I'm building an early stage startup, so we don't have the budget for this product, but I'm excited to give it a try once we raise! If the design of the app is anywhere as beautiful as the lander, I'm sure I'll love it!
Runway Financial
The finance platform you don't hate
Matty Reed
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Is it better to raise pre-seed capital pre or post revenue?
Traditional advice says it's better to raise capital post-revenue, but there is an argument to be made that a pre-seed round is more about the story and the team, and revenue actually gives investors something concrete to compare to other more established companies.
As Russ Hanneman (douchey investor in the show Silicon Valley) says, "If you show revenue, people will ask 'how much?' and it...
Matty Reed
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We are building a remote company, so showing face is important. It really comes down to communication bandwidth. Humans evolved to take visual cues from facial expressions, without these visual cues, information can be lost or misunderstood.
in-person > video call > call w/o video
Do you show your face in the videos?
Simona O'Neill
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Matty Reed
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When will I receive a "Launching soon!" badge?
I am a maker of TimeAlign (it's like Whoop, but for time management) and we schedule launch in 3 weeks. For some reason, I still don't have the "Launching soon!" badge.
Do I need to be the primary maker to receive the badge or will all members of our team receive the badge?
Here's our teaser sight: