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Nancy Powell
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Conventional AI vs AI Chatbots, eh? They serve different purposes. Conventional AI is usually behind-the-scenes, think recommendation engines or data analytics.
Conventional AI vs AI chatbot? share your views

Nancy Powell
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Mentors bring experience and perspective that can fast-track growth, much like having an internal roadmap.
What is the greatest value in mentors?
Alexey Anshakov
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Nancy Powell
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Identify pain points, analyze competitors, survey potential users, and examine market trends.
How do you decide the target audience for your product?
Harris Cheng
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Nancy Powell
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See the future. LOL
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Sahil Shah
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Nancy Powell
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I'd argue that email marketing is still heavily underrated. While it might seem old school, a well-curated and personalized email list can drive significant engagement.
What is the most underrated marketing channel?
Hashir Ahmed
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Nancy Powell
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Can't see them going extinct anytime soon. As long as there's social media, there'll be a need for scheduling.
What do you think, is the Future of Social Media Scheduling Tools in Danger?
Chaitanya Badave
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Nancy Powell
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I had to learn the hard way how important consumer validation is. Building something nobody will use is pointless.
What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from a failed startup or business venture?
Adan Della-Vecchia
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Nancy Powell
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When I believe it will be successful in the long run, I become extremely motivated.
What was the moment where you felt most motivated?
Natia Kurdadze
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Nancy Powell
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Two days out? Prioritize testing - make sure everything works as expected. Set up your analytics for data collection and insights. Prep your launch announcement - email, social media, press, you name it.
We're two days from Launch! What should we be prioritising?
Lavanya Snigdha
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Nancy Powell
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Transparent, agile, empathetic. Transparency breeds trust, agility helps adapt to changes, and empathy ensures we're user-centric. Culture isn't just buzzwords though, it's about actions reflecting these values. In startups, the right culture can make or break you.
What are 3 words to describe the team culture you want to create?
Elizabeth Tishchenko
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Nancy Powell
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"Assumed closing", huh? Yeah, it's an interesting strategy for sure. Assuming the sale can give the impression of confidence and often steers the conversation towards finalizing details. But be careful not to come off too pushy.
Do you use “assumed closing” during negotiations?
Natia Kurdadze
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Nancy Powell
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Finish some of our SOP's with our company.
What's your goal for the week?
Sam Lam | Web3 Builder
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Nancy Powell
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In today's world, anything more than a couple of seconds feels like an eternity. Google's page speed insights can be a lifesaver.
How long do you wait for a website to load?
Fabian Maume
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Nancy Powell
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honest feedback is crucial as it provides invaluable insights that enable individuals to understand their strengths, address their weaknesses, and continuously improve their performance in any sphere of work.
What do you think about honest feedback? do people need honest feedback to evaluate their work?
Brilliant Kevin
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Nancy Powell
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I'd build a striking visual identity and a targeted marketing strategy to ensure my brand reaches the right audience.
What steps would you take if you were to create a brand from scratch?
Ezgi Yeğinaltay
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Nancy Powell
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The last stage is all about bringing the design to life. Whether it's a logo, a website, or social media graphics, I ensure the design is consistently applied across all brand touchpoints for maximum impact.
In the process of developing designs for a brand, what stages do you take?
Ayşegül Çorok
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