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Ned Dwyer
Use these pre-built templates to empower curious folks to conduct great research. Pick templates based on your role, use case or method and quickly get the answer to your great question.
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Research Templates from Great Question
Empower everyone on your team to conduct great research
Ned Dwyer
Ned Dwyer
left a comment
This is incredible.
Notiv Notetaker
Save time with meeting collaboration that fits your workflow
Ned Dwyer
Great Question puts customer research on autopilot.
From recruiting participants, to scheduling interviews, surveys & prototype tests, then share what you learn with your team, all in one place.
Talk to your customers & build something people want.
Great Question
Make customer research a part of every product release
Ned Dwyer
Ned Dwyer
left a comment
Hey Jack - looks like the site has gone offline. Any backups of this?
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Ned Dwyer is an out of office management for Slack-powered teams.

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