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  • Robin P.

    Robin P.

    Connecting startups and investors
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    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    started a discussion

    ๐Ÿ’ฐ Who is raising capital over the coming months? ๐Ÿ’ฐ

    If you are, I'd be happy to help. I've been helping early-stage startups with fundraising for the past couple of years now. Besides that, I'm in the process of bringing the Raise Better fundraising platform to market (raisebetter.capital). We've been using this platform ourselves to make fundraising tasks more efficient and are now at the point where we want to release it for self-service....
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    started a discussion

    Free to paid users - what's your experience with conversion rates?

    Bonus question: what are some of the best practices to speed up the conversion from free to paid plans to avoid a large user base being stuck on a free plan?
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    started a discussion

    Alternatives for subscriptions - what is your ~alternative~ pricing strategy?

    I feel like we're getting to the point of subscription fatigue and I'm interested to hear about alternative pricing strategies that might be a good replacement for the typical monthly subscription/annual discount strategy.
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    started a discussion

    Your take on feature development. Which ones should make the cut?

    Interested to hear from founders on how you decide which features to work on/implement. Do you implement everything users suggest, moderate user feedback or decide autonomously believing that you know what users want before they know it?
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    left a comment
    Don't have an account -.-
    How much time do you spend on X? Per day.
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    left a comment
    Definitely! Now I make sure to either just have 1 window open or select the right tab or window I want to show (using Google Meet mostly)
    Maksym  Potapenko
    Have you ever felt awkward with open tab titles when sharing your screen during a call?
    Maksym Potapenko
    Join the discussion
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    started a discussion

    Landing page feedback requested!

    With all the talent here on PH, I'd like to get your feedback on what should be improved on the landing page of my upcoming venture. I'm good at fundraising but not that great in landing pages and UI. Here is the landing page: https://raisebetter.capital Thanks!!
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    left a comment
    Don't be shy people!!
    Robin P.
    The pains of fundraising. What's your experience?
    Robin P.
    Robin P.
    started a discussion

    The pains of fundraising. What's your experience?

    I'm curious to hear from anyone that tried to or actually raised funding for their startup. What have been the tasks that consumed more time than you expected? How was the overall experience? What were some of the things you didn't know that surprised you?