Roee Eidan

Roee Eidan

Co founder at Carbon Neutral Club
41 points
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Roee Eidan
Roee Eidan
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Congrats on the launch! πŸš€
HIPAA compliant analytics by Freshpaint
HIPAA compliant analytics by Freshpaint
The only HIPAA-compliant analytics & Customer Data Platform
Roee Eidan
Roee Eidan
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Congrats on the launch! The UI looks great :)
Lots of projects and tasks, one Taskbit
Roee Eidan
Roee Eidan
left a comment
Looks great! Can save lots of time for some repeating tasks! Great work! πŸ™Œ
A chrome extension for automating your browser
Roee Eidan
Save money for fighting climate change. Start by offsetting your personal carbon footprint, then reduce your climate impact with year-round savings at sustainable brands.
Carbon Neutral Club
Save money for fighting climate change
Roee Eidan
Bitcoin Testnet Faucet and Wallet
No passwords, No login, No extra steps
In doing some bitcoin development I found it frustrating that there was no easy accessible testnet wallet. With bitburner you have a persistent wallet preloaded with testnet BTC.
Bitcoin Testnet Faucet And Wallet