Salman Saafi

Salman Saafi

Startups, SaaS & Music
105 points
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Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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X & LinkedIn?
Jao Japitana
What is the best Social Media platform to market your PH launch?
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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USDC to Bank
Go from crypto to fiat in your bank, in minutes
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Who is launching this week?

Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Ad Account Audit is live today!

Hey PH fam, we launched the Ad Account Audit tool which meticulously reviews your business's Facebook ad account, ensuring it's primed for success. Detect issues, optimize settings, and set the stage to achieve higher advertising ROI. Would love to get your feedback and support, cheers!
Salman Saafi
Your must to have arsenal against 'Ad Account Getting Blocked'. It meticulously reviews your business's Facebook ad account, ensuring it's primed for success. Detect issues, optimize settings, and set the stage to achieve higher advertising ROI.
Ad Account Audit by Markopolo
Health checking tool for paid advertising by Markopolo AI
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Looking forward to try it out!
Chat with your tools: find info, summarize, & create content
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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SEO & Paid Media
Ghost Kitty
What marketing channel works best for you?
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Leena Chitnis
Single most useful app of your life?
Leena Chitnis
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Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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How often do you audit your paid media accounts?

For most of us, paid media platforms are a great form of go-to-market channel. Facebook Ads, Google Ads etc. I wanted to understand how often do you audit your account health so that the account stay sane and perform well while running campaigns?
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Going to check up on it as an avid Notion fanboy. Kudos for the launch!
Build apps from Notion databases in minutes
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Super pumped!
Jonayed Tanjim
Wisi: Turn Notion wiki into Documentation website
Jonayed Tanjim
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Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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Congrats on the launch team!
Paraphraser, grammar checker, summariser powered by ChatGPT
Salman Saafi
Salman Saafi
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There are a couple of sites like that already. How would you differentiate?
Fatma Kiraz
Need your opinion - How does"Dribbble for Notioners" sounds?
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