Saqib Ali

A marketing enthusiast from next door.
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Saqib Ali
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It’s actually great guys. Do give it a try!
Have you yet added GPT-4o to your Product?
Saqib Ali
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I think it's pretty much every project, especially in the starting phase while new team members are being onboarded.
Share an experience where knowledge silos hindered a project or initiative.
Saqib Ali
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AI & Privacy

What are your thoughts on the privacy concerns surrounding the use of AI in the corporate world? I heard that AI can raise concerns about data privacy and surveillance. Do you think these concerns are valid?
Saqib Ali
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Congratulations on your launch! :)
Legal Guardian
Legal Guardian
Traveler, nomad & expat legal assistance service
Saqib Ali
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How can AI be used to improve customer experience in the retail industry?

I read that AI can help personalize recommendations and optimize pricing. What other ways do you think AI can be used to enhance customer experience?
Saqib Ali
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AI in Finance?

What are the potential risks of using AI in the financial sector? I heard that AI can increase the risk of cyber-attacks and exacerbate economic inequality. Do you think these risks outweigh the benefits?
Saqib Ali
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Congratulations @alessio_mavica and best of luck for your launch! :)
Project management system for IT freelancers & agencies
Saqib Ali
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I'm more active during the evening hours. But I wish to switch to mornings.
Evening or Morning? When are you most effective?
Saqib Ali
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How's 2024 been treating you so far?

I can already feel my resolutions taking up good space on my train of thoughts. There have been good vibes around me and I am pretty motivated to make this THE year of my life!
Saqib Ali
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Can we optimize energy consumption with AI too??

Do you think AI can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint? I read that AI can help optimize energy consumption and reduce waste. Just WOW! I'm more curious to know its impact on the corporate world. How do you think businesses can leverage AI to become more sustainable?
Saqib Ali
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AI for Recruitment?

What are your thoughts on using AI in the hiring process? I’ve heard that it can introduce bias and perpetuate discrimination. Do you think it’s ethical to use AI in this way?
Saqib Ali
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Have you ever wondered how AI can help businesses optimize their supply chain management?

I heard that AI can help reduce lead times and improve demand forecasting accuracy. What do you think?
Saqib Ali
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To conclude all the tasks I've been procrastinating since last week.
Chel Chen
It's Monday, what is your goal for this week?