Srishti Mohan

Srishti Mohan

Customer Success Lead at Brndaddo
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Srishti Mohan
Srishti Mohan
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Why you should give a DAM about this industry trend...

DAM or Digital Asset Management is the IT thing (pun intended) right now in India right alongside the Fin-Tech revolution that is set to take the Indian Business Scene by storm. Now, coming to WHY you should give a DAM about this trend... Current Global Market Size: $3 Billion Growth Rate: 18.33% CAGR Estimated Market Size by 2026: $10 Billion No. of Players Worldwide: 10-15 (Including...
Srishti Mohan
Brndaddo is an AI Powered Brand Asset Management Tool that helps you:
1. Discover your Assets 100X Faster
2. Create designs quicker with Brand Adaptations
3. Collaborate with 1-Click Approval and
Simplify Brand Control!
Simplifying brand control
Srishti Mohan
Srishti Mohan
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If there is some issue with the clothes, say a stain, will the app remove that as well?
Remove objects and defects from your pictures - 100% free