Tair Asim

Tair Asim

Entrepreneur, maker, leader, developer.
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Tair Asim
Tair Asim
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Ha, this looks like what Heroku should have _remained_. πŸ’– ⌘ + K
Config free deploys: bring your code, we'll handle the rest
Tair Asim
Tair Asim
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This looks cool. Do you have public status page with uptimes?
Better Uptime
We call you when your website goes down
+1 comment
Tair Asim
Tair Asim
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Awesome project, love it! πŸ€“
The Smartest Emoji URL shortener πŸ€“πŸ”—πŸ—œ
Tair Asim

Dockbit is a Docker-native continuous delivery platform. Turn complex software deployments into simple and manageable workflows, so you can spend less time tinkering and more time creating awesome software.

Your team software deployments made simple