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Effortlessly export your Kindle highlights to a PDF! Open, click the extension, and it extracts all highlights, organizes them by book, and compiles them into a neat, downloadable PDF - ideal for reference, sharing, or offline reading.

Kindle highlights extractor
Extract Kindle highlights to PDF

Jai Tiwari
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Found this interesting web app and the concept while strolling in the internet.

Zenpen: A minimalistic tool for expressive writing.

Why use Zenpen?
It's safe. Everything you write is gone after 30 seconds.
It's anonymous. You don't have to log in to use it.
It's free. Created and sponsored by

Zenpen: A minimalistic tool for expressive writing.

Jai Tiwari
left a comment
Congratulations on the product launch. The UI looks clear and friendly. All the best :)
Block addictive content on social media

A handy Chrome extension that lets you block distracting parts of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram. Stay focused, stay productive!

Selectively block features of time wasting sites in chrome

Jai Tiwari
left a comment
This is my second project as part of my adventure into the side-projects voyage. I'll be very glad if even one person finds this product useful in their day to day life. Looking forward to some feedback and suggestions 😃

Selectively block features of time wasting sites in chrome

Jai Tiwari
left a comment
This is really an amazing product. I see huge potential in this.
Wanna Nails
First AR nail polish try-on

Should I Use is a small web application that helps you find correct phrase from two confusion options by searching and comparing hits from major publications like Wikipedia, New York Times and The Guardian.

Should I Use
Search major publications for confusing phrases