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Vladimir Babić
Launch ChatGPT via hotkey in any app, natively. Create expert personas that improve response quality by 10x. Effortlessly save, reuse, and share your go-to prompts. No more copy-paste, just highlight for context and launch Baron. The ultimate AI interface.
Baron AI
Baron AI
Use ChatGPT in any app, natively on Windows, Mac and Linux
Vladimir Babić
Vladimir Babić
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Why is Serbia not supported?
Fractional US stock investing for anyone in the world
+1 comment
Vladimir Babić
Vladimir Babić
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This is basically carbon copy.
Own the power to organize and protect your email inbox
Vladimir Babić
Vladimir Babić
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Nice tool. It says you support integrations. How do I integrate trello?
All new time tracking & greater insights
Vladimir Babić
Vladimir Babić
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This was instant purchase for me.
Easier drag & drop on your Mac
Vladimir Babić
Vladimir Babić
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Nice minimalistic design makes it so simple, but yet so powerfull tool
Simple PM tool to prioritize your product ideas.