I use Workona every day. As someone with more than a lot of tabs open all the time, it's crucial in helping me stay organized and working efficiently. Thanks @workonahq 👍🏻
Hey @internet_johnny 👋 SoapBox
I use SoapBox to manage all of my team meetings and one-on-ones (which are typically once a day). It helps me stay on top of my meetings, my team and saves me from the never-ending Google doc dance 💃
@envisionwithj Notion is amazing. I have also heard about Tandem but didnt get the chance to try it yet.
Wasn't familiar with Sunsama or Polymail, but will check those out, thanks!
Since we're going for not-obvious, I gotta say Lightshot, it's a screen capture tool and it's perfect for reviewing webpages and giving feedback, because you don't waste time describing what the problem looks like, you can just show and point to it. Honestly, when writing MightyForms tutorials, I used it for practically every step.
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