
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 30 September)


Hi Makers! Let's make this as collaborative as possible. First, start by helping out another maker -- check out their launch, give a review or share a comment on their post. Once you've helped out someone else, share your product link here. BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. This thread is for you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page Happy making šŸ„³

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We launched our app for folks with food allergies today called ALLERT. Our app generates an allergy flashcard in 44 different languages. The 14 major allergies are supported, which cover over 95% of all allergy cases. Allert can also show a message for 5 types of vegetarian diets. No data connection is required for the app to work. I'd love to hear what you think about our presentation. We are a two-man team and completely self funded. Any ideas to bring this project to market are more than welcome. Our website: https://allertapp.com Direct link to app store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/al... Our producthunt page: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
@dickhoebee Great idea! Does it also cover allergies related to fructans?
@alchen Thanks for the compliment! To answer your question, at this moment, no. But, we fully intend to add more languages and allergies in the future, depending on the success of the app. The majority of our budget was spent on getting the translations done, as every allergy needs to be translated 44 times.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
Hi. I would appreciate any feedback on Write Invisible. On Write Invisible you write without seeing what you write. You cannot edit yourself. I have just opened this for beta members, and hoping to launch in the next month. https://writeinvisible.com
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@sfrostwick Hi and thanks for the question. I have not thought about pricing in any detail. but as i have been working, the idea of annual fee of $24 seemed to make sense. Your thoughts appreciated.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@sfrostwick thanks. I agree it is not immediately clear how to access the app - Will fix that. The feature set for Write Invisible is unlikely to change before I launch. Will consider integration with iCloud etc once it is launched. Thanks for feedback
Kishan Bagaria
@ebrahimkhalil Hey this looks nice. I tried writing in the demo box on the homepage and I could see what I wrote after selecting it. You might be able to fix this with a bit of CSS that sets the selection text background color to white. https://imgur.com/a/PolHxNS
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@kishanbagaria - fixed on demo - will fix other forms. thanks for pointing out
Kola Adebayo
@ebrahimkhalil Hi Ebrahim...i really like the product and tbh, I would consider paying for it. I would find it valuable to help me with writing extemporaneously. I did try to sign up but I get a 'Please enter a username' error even though there's no username field on the form
Ivaylo Durmonski
Hey peeps. I'm currently building a site where I share short, informative summaries of best-selling books. I'm targeting mostly busy people in the tech industry who don't have enough time to read big books. It will be great if you can give me feedback about the site, content, and what I can do better. Thanks! This is the site: https://durmonski.com/category/b...
Ivaylo Durmonski
@wilsonbright Wow :D How did you end up on a 404?
Wilson Bright
@ivaylo_durmonski https://durmonski.com/404-page/ this is the page I see when I click the above link. I guess it needs to be checked.
Ellen Choi
@ivaylo_durmonski I really like this idea, if I understand correctly it's like CliffNotes for top books relevant for enterpreneurs / tech people. what would be idea for me is if you could actually convert this to an email newsletter form and go through one book a week...cover 1 book summary over 5 days.
Ivaylo Durmonski
@lnchoi I never thought about this way of showcasing the reviews. Mainly, because I think people will be reading the reviews of my site. But hey, it's worth considering. Thanks!
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@ivaylo_durmonski - the summaries are very good. i have subscribed. maybe add a PDF download of the summary as an incentive to join the newsletter
Wilson Bright
Hi, This is Wilson, maker of https://blocksurvey.org. It is a privacy focused survey, poll and forms platform. Would be great if you could share your thoughts privacy in this space? Also would you like to know if surveys, polls become more like Quora?
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@wilsonbright - the design is so refreshing, and improved privacy on responses is so important. market research could be a possible market. as could students doing research. i think you need to explain the use case - and especially why privacy matters - in these or other sectors.
Wilson Bright
@ebrahimkhalil Thank you Ebrahim for the pointers. I'll articulate why privacy is important in these areas. Appreciate your feedback. I just checked 'WriteInvisible', now I understand why I have been struggling or taking huge time to write. This is a great idea.
Ivaylo Durmonski
@wilsonbright I love the black and white design :)
Wilson Bright
@ivaylo_durmonski Thank you Ivaylo.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@wilsonbright would be great to have you join the beta. thanks
Ben Fox
Hi all, trying to get some help for an upcoming launch this week on PH and trying to find some beta users who want to know how much time at work they have for deep work vs shallow work vs meetings! We've got our landing page up here -> https://www.producthunt.com/upco... and a sample report of the free tool here -> https://app.shepherd.com/persona.... Can you specifically tell me if anything confuses you during the process if you try the app? Or, if the landing page is clear about what the free app does?
Susan Ho
@bwb I like this idea a lot (I use Clockwise for instance which automatically moves meetings on my calendar to maximize focus / deep work time). While the information on the page is clear and I understand what I'm going to get, I'm finding that I'm not willing to go in and link my calendar because I don't think just getting the stats is going to be that useful or actionable, whereas the first time I saw Clockwise I immediately sync'ed my calendar and asked people within my company to set it up too. The value prop of "instantly and automatically get more focus time on your calendar" was the impetus to immediately do that, whereas "see your stats and potentially get depressed about your lack of focus time" is not as motivating. Can you figure out a clearer / more actionable "give" than just a breakdown of stats?
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@bwb This could be incredibly useful. Is it possible to have other stuff besides meetings and shallow work? Overall, I like the idea
Ben Fox
@susan_ho Thanks :), yep I understand and that is a good point. We built this as more of an insight + fun app and not a commercial app. Once you are in the app it does give you recommendations based on what it learns, but we do not have plans to make it a paid product with those type of features. We plan to use the anonymized data to show job seekers what a typical day looks like for an engineer at Google or Facebook or so on. We want to help job seekers vet companies as if they have a friend working there and this is our first baby step toward that :). We do have a new website with a better explanation coming in about 4 to 6 weeks too. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!
Ben Fox
@ebrahimkhalil Thanks! Yep what other stuff would you like to see? Let me know!
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@bwb - for me stuff like picking up kids, meeting friends etc, are all part of the day. they are fun and fulfilling activities but not 'deep work'. also, stuff like doing proposals, or simple projects for clients. also, the distinction between client work and making stuff. a bit of a muddled comment, but i think you get the point - i want more time to focus and do awesome stuff :)
Hi, Iā€™m Stephen šŸ‘‹ and I created 'namecame' to send you names for your next venture. All names are available (aka unregistered) and sent out every few days. Just launched šŸš€ on PH Ship and am seeking subscribers! https://www.producthunt.com/upco... I tweet names too! šŸ¦ #followme https://mobile.twitter.com/namec...
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@builtbystephen interesting idea. i think it could work. can a maker ask you find available names rather than get a list every so often?
@ebrahimkhalil Thanks for the kind words! Great suggestion! So a maker would share their idea and I would assist in finding available names for it? Any thoughts makers?
Kola Adebayo
@ebrahimkhalil @builtbystephen That would actually be valuable...I have a current need for this, so one user here ;)
@ebrahimkhalil @kola_adebayo Message me your idea and Iā€™ll see what I can find for you! šŸ¤”
@ebrahimkhalil @kola_adebayo Awesome! Thank you šŸ™
Ellen Choi
Hi everyone, I would love some feedback on Slacktasking, a task management Slackbot with built-in accountability. While there are a ton of task management apps out there, we felt like there was room for a streamlined, 100% within-Slack experience. Besides your bread-and-butter functionalities, other features include celebration GIFs for completed tasks (similar to celebration creatures in Asana), and nudging on overdue tasks (option for Drill Sergeant mode) until they are resolved. https://www.careerlark.com/slack... šŸ™ thanks so much for your thoughts!
Chris Herbert
@lnchoi This looks cool. Is there a way to tie this to a central database where everyone can look at each others tasks?
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@lnchoi - i do not use Slack precisely because it keeps me from doing work :) The task management bot looks like it could be helpful. Is synching with other to do apps in the roadmap?
Ellen Choi
@cgherb Hi Chris, that is a great question and one we're currently discussing. Would the preference be for tasks to be default public? Current model is that Owners have visibility into their own tasks and Admins can see all tasks, but we can easily change the logic to support everyone having visibility into all open tasks, including comments. However, we thought there could be privacy issues. Would love your thoughts on this one!
Ellen Choi
@ebrahimkhalil Thanks, hopefully it will be helpful! Yes, our first integration would be Jira. What other todo app integrations would you like to see?
Ellen Choi
@cgherb cool, gtk thanks for the feedback. that is essentially our model, with the Admins having additional visibilities and fxnalities. Would love for you to check it out when we launch to a broader group!
Leo Bassam
Hey makers šŸ‘‹ We've recently updated our website and I would greatly appreciate your feedback. https://plutio.com - All-in-one business manamgent platform for freelancers and digital nomads. 1) What's your first impression? 2) Does it clearly explains the product? 3) What does the brand and colours mean to you? Thank you soooo much šŸ¤—
Irma Mesa
@leobassam Thanks for sharing your app. 1) First impression: The site took about 60 seconds to load. But besides that I think you're proposing the value in a very clear way. It's smart that you've added a video as well in your hero section.
Jim Canto
@leobassam The site looks wonderful. Very easy to navigate. The message is clear. The vibe is fun and open. I love the ecosystem opportunities. I came away with the feeling of "anything is possible" after visiting your site. Well done.
Ben Fox
@leobassam I think it looks great, the colors evoked a feeling of professionality and it felt like a place I could trust, the tagline is clear, and the video helped too and was super well done! The features felt like they might need a bit more spacing but they were clear too, just felt a little close to each other with the title a little small. Super great though and crystal clear on what you do.
Leo Bassam
@_justirma oh wow it shouldnā€™t take that long šŸ˜­ I will take a look. Was it on mobile?
Leo Bassam
@bwb thank you! Do you think I should add images to the features page?
Cihan Geyik
Hi Everyone, Itā€™s really a simple and useful app that will help you to remember whatever you learned. You can add notes, set up hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reminders and get notifications for learning better. Because, within 24 hours, people forget an average of 70 percent of new information, Learn New Things via Learnember App on Play Store Download Free: http://bit.ly/learnember Have a look at Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@cihan_geyik This looks so useful. Might be useful to provide notifications to learn something and not just what you learned. A real problem I have is finishing online courses I have registered for
Cihan Geyik
@ebrahimkhalil yes you can. Learnember helps you as a student. It pushes you to improve yourself. Thanks for your feedback.
Marcelo Ziliotto
Hi there, I would love to get feedback from hunters on the MVP of our new app. Boonited is a new interest based social network where users share their preferences with their friends. Please find the link to page bellow: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
Ellen Choi
@isitec_sistemas hi, I think this is interesting but without more info or screenshots on the landing page it seems like a hard sell for a new user to download the product.
Marcelo Ziliotto
@lnchoi Thanks, I've already added more information ,šŸ˜‰
Steve Lou
Hey there! We've just released FAQtr - a publishing tool that makes writing incredibly easy for everyone. Our platform actively helps you write short stories about your life experiences (your goals, challenges and successes). I'd love to read your stories - https://www.faqtr.me/?w=phm
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@steve_lourdessamy this looks like a good idea. Prompts do make writing easy. I must doing something silly as I cannot get to the next question. See vid https://cl.ly/6ce6cb3529e4
anthony ware
@steve_lourdessamy I dig the writing prompts and the categories. I might have missed this...but is there a way to keep what I write private?
Steve Lou
@theanthonyware We are trying to understand our users and build the platform they want :) Can I ask you what topics you'd feel comfortable writing about in private mode? Thanks so much!
Amy Giddon
@steve_lourdessamy I like this idea a lot and can see myself micro-blogging about my business here. I don't see how I can edit my profile - I pulled in from my IG profile but want to change it.
Boutar Badii
@steve_lourdessamy I think I'm a little too late here.. the idea you described is interesting but unfortunately I couldn't access the website. Is it down ?
Kishan Bagaria
Hi PH! I've been working on a menu bar app for macOS called SmartCapsLock: https://kishanbagaria.com/smartc... It lets you convert the case of any text by selecting it and pressing Caps Lock. This allows you to easily fix the case if you accidentally type something with Caps Lock on, or to make sPongEboB MeMeS šŸ˜„ I'll be launching it on PH soon. Would love to hear what you think about the landing page, the app, the pricing/distribution or anything.
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@kishanbagaria - this is cool. i usually just use the font change selector and i am not sure how your solution is superior. i am sure it is superior, but i cannot understand why. maybe make the difference with the default setup clearer. BTW, i see you have a product for windows - one of the problems i have is simply just having an easy way to add emojis to comments etc. maybe an idea.
Kishan Bagaria
@ebrahimkhalil Not sure what you mean by the font change selector, can you post a screenshot? I guess it should have less case options than this app provides. Also, it is faster to use the Caps Lock key to convert case than to click three+ times. On the latest Windows 10, you have the Win+./Win+; shortcut for opening up a emoji keyboard, does that work for you?
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@kishanbagaria - see short vid https://cl.ly/0f0dba92212d --- of course only based in word. thanks, did not know of the shortcut for emoji . thanks
Sekhar Chandra
Hello all, we just launched our app - GreenEye. GreenEye smartens up your kitchen with AI! We are targeting US users currently. The app is free. More about it here: https://www.greeneye.ai GreenEye, as a smart kitchen app, helps you - save moneyšŸ’µ , reduce food wasteā™»ļø, get food recall alertsāš ļø, official food storage tipsšŸ’”, grocery item remindersā°, smart shopping listsšŸ“‹ and more! How? Just take a picturešŸ“ø of a receipt OR simply add items of your choice. Would love to get your thoughts on the product!
Hi makers! I'm currently working on a little side project that lets you keep an eye on your competitors. https://useflare.com There's only a landing page so far with not so much info (for now). But would love to know if you would find such service useful.
Gabrielė Jusaitytė
Hello there everyone and thank you @abadesi for this opportunity šŸ™ We've just recently (soft) launched 'Feelsom' , not an average, run-of-the-mill tracker, but a witty chatbot that will help you to find patterns between your daily habits and the way you feel (!!!), by tracking your health symptoms, food intakes, sleep quality, daily mood, productivity and physical activity all together! šŸ¤“ Releasing a free beta version, we're looking for users, who are curious about their well-being and hoping to get some honest feedback šŸ˜‡ To be precise: I'm now working on 'Analytics' feature where users will be able to see different kinds of graphs on their inputs (sleep, food, physical activity) and outputs (health, mood, productivity), showcasing statistics and comparison between one another. So my question would be - what kind of information You, as a user, would like to see and especially - would help You to solve your problem? (For example: I'm trying to figure out which type of food causes stomach problems and what is hiding underneath randomly increased heart rate šŸ˜³) Check it out @ feelsom.com or @ Apple App store : https://apps.apple.com/ml/app/fe... and let's chat!
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@gabriele_jusaityte - the link in your message above is not redirecting to the apple store. I however looked at feelsom.com - this is an interesting way to merge chatbot and streaks. I like that it takes the work out of keeping the streak and understanding the patterns
Gabrielė Jusaitytė
@ebrahimkhalil thank you for noticing, I've just updated the link šŸ¤­ Did you try to engage in a conversation with the bot? Interested to hear your thoughts! šŸ¤“
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@gabriele_jusaityte i downloaded the app and answered the questions. it was kinda fun. this looks like a useful and interesting approach.
Gabrielė Jusaitytė
@ebrahimkhalil glad that you found it fun! It's still in progress and I'm trying to figure out 'Analytics' part right now, to be able to properly visualize user's patterns in their daily routines. Any suggestions are highly welcomed! šŸ‘Œ
Peyton Goen
https://www.seesnap.com --> Solving 1 billion problems by 2023. Looking for early beta users for something HUGE. https://www.folyoz.com --> Changing the way creatives work. A startup for illustrators, photographers, & art directors. I'd love to get some feedback, and maybe even some users we can serve (for free)! props to @abadesi for making a great (non-spam) way to share what we are working on!
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
@peyton - check the SSL certificate on seesnap. Folyoz looks like a good way to match artists and art directors.
Jonathan Sun
Hey all! I created an app to match high school students to their best fit colleges using a unique algorithm. Check it out- would love to receive feedback and ideas for improvement. Here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ho...
Albert S.
Hi there! I'm the maker of PPC Ad Editor which helps streamline the process of presenting/reviewing Google Ads campaign with your clients. Are you involved in the process of creating, reviewing or approving Google Ads/Bing PPC (paid search) campaigns? If so, I would love you to beta test our tool. We are about 95% done with the MVP and we are now looking for beta testers to help make sure it's the right market fit. We are hoping to launch the beta towards mid-Oct 2019 so we are building our pool of Betas now. Would you like to help?
Albert S.
Just wanted to add that we also want to work on the client side as well. Do you currently have an agency that manages your PPC campaigns? Do they send you over ads for you to approve via excel or a screenshot? If so, we also want you to try out our tool and give us insights on how to make the product better. Thank you!
Christian Finefield
Hey guys, We're working on a release for our app https://One2menu.com which helps designers & developers update & manage online menu information. We make it easy for you to provide a mobile friendly menu for your restaurant or service. Our app links that menu with your website and Google Maps, Search, and Google Business profile to help drive more traffic. Any feedback is much appreciated!
Hi im one of the makers of Piara (i don't know why it's not listed in producthunt even though i already submit it). I need your opinion about my app in terms of ideas, ui/ux and everything :D. Piara is your companion app to help you to gain a better understanding of yourself and reflect your emotional state. We are doing that by helping you to keep track of your activities through the day and also we have a cute pet to be your side whenever you need to evaluate your day. we valued your privacy thats why we use decentralized encrypted cloud storage by using blockchain-based technology. feel free to check our post (https://www.producthunt.com/post...). Thanks guys, much appeciate for any comments and help :)