Lisa Dziuba

29 days left before 2022 πŸ”₯ What do you want to finish & accomplish before the end of the year?

Mine goals πŸ‘‡ Business: I want to drive monthly recording revenue for WeLoveNoCode (, no-code dev for monthly fee) from $175K to $500K πŸ”₯ My small crazy goal... Personal: 3 books left, organize New Year with alpaca πŸ¦™ and go into the jungle to look for gold in the river (all these are very serious goals). Ideally, also to start training before New Year.

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Sachin Sinha
I want to launch my side project - repository of TV Ads
Lisa Dziuba
@sacin13 any measurable metric for this?
Sachin Sinha
@lisadziuba not really but suggestions are welcome to make this happen. for now just going live would be a great start
Aashray Singhal
@sacin13 It's a great idea. Ultimately it will inspire young brands to understand how the brand campaigns or TV campaigns used to work. I guess you can look for the "Gross Rating Points" matrix. This can help you surely to track.
Sachin Sinha
Thanks @aashray_singhal , I'll learn more about "Gross Rating Points" matrix and see how I can I use it.
Joshua Dance
I put my goals in my Twitter bio to remind myself. 1. Get to 20% body fat. I already dropped from 30% to 24%, so over halfway there. 2. Grow internet friends to 2500 3. Make something every day. I have been shipping improvements to nearly every day, feeling good.
Lisa Dziuba
@joshdance > Get to 20% body fat. good luck here! this is so hard for me... I can't make myself get back to training
Joshua Dance
@lisadziuba What would you do if you were me to gain another 250 followers in a month?
@lisadziuba @joshdance I find that my diet is way more important than anything else, except of 8h sleep.
Lisa Dziuba
@joshdance 1) viral content -> what works in the industry + re-frame 2) auto-likes (PhantonBuster) 3) Commenting opinion leaders 4) simple ad on Twitter "follow me and leard about" 5) ask opinion leader who is your friend to recommend you
Ahmed Saleh
Good question @lisadziuba πŸŽ‰ (and nice goals) Business: I want to end the year with a new major product update for our customers on Classtra ( ) πŸ”₯ Personal: Take my 2 year old daughter skiing for the first time πŸŽ‰
Ahmed Saleh
@lisadziuba Very much so. I'm betting on if the team can do it! Wanna join the bet? If we do it in 20 days or less, I'll ask you to hunt the new product update on PH. If not, you choose something in return.
Lisa Dziuba
@ahmedsaleh if you don't make it.... you will find a multicolor poop costume and will work the whole week in it + all video call :)
Lisa Dziuba
@ahmedsaleh or this :) don't forget to send me the photo πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚
Ahmed Saleh
@lisadziuba πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† you're having more fun with this than I expected. But alright, you got a deal! I'll take the wizard hat for a week if we don't make it in time! 😁
I thought I had some interesting goals but now I am ashamed to post them. Yours are a lot cooler Lisa. I prefer to spend my posting credit on wishing you good luck and energy to see them all through. The alpaca New Year is pretty clear to me :) what I would like to ask is what do you mean by "3 books left"?
@lisadziuba I think neighbors can hear me laughing :) It's weird but very appropriate for your location. They are cute and cozy beings. You will have fun for sure
@lisadziuba Can I ask, where is the native coffee better, Peru or Colombia?
Lisa Dziuba
@luciantartea Funny enough but coffee is not popular in Peru. While in Colombia, they have huge coffer farms :) My boyfriend prefer Colobmian coffe.
@lisadziuba You are right I never actually saw a Peru variety in the coffee shop but there always is the Colombian option among other origins. Thanks
Nik Shevchenko
1) Fundraise 2) Hire Head of Product 3) Keep on 30 days healthy diet
Aashray Singhal
Launch atleast 2 side-projects :)
Mike Mikina
Great goals Lisa! For me it will be to finish 4 videos and publish them by the end of the year. Also reaching 200 subscribers on my YT channel would be great πŸ˜„ Looking forward for the 2022 🀞
Finish reading my 2021 list.
Daniel Diosi
I worked enough for this year and everything is going well. I will find time to watch two movies I postpone for weeks, buy a car I am eyeballing since summer and cook more lamb rogan josh.
Klein Udumaga
50k monthly traffic to my company's blog Rank number on Google search for our targeted keywords
Mitchell Orme
I'd love to create a lot more content for the business so that I can batch and schedule a lot more of the stuff for Upflowy. I don't like feeling as though I need to post something the day of, rather, I want to double-check the post I planned a fortnight before
I want to have a succesful product launch lol.
Trey Chong
My goals πŸ‘‡ - Lose weight down to 75kg - Quit smoking - Drive to profitable - almost now!
Ana Dodig
To stay safe and healthy :) every business deals will come, very soon or through times with effort and a little bit of luck.
Maria Batryn
Get some investment (I have 0 experience in that), travel abroad for the first time, get the attention of the press to at least one of our products, launch a campaign for the other product, lots of work to do actually πŸ˜