Are you afraid of cars? Are you afraid of nuclear power? Are you afraid of the internet?
I think it's just a new stage in development, which is definitely a little scary, but you don't have to worry too much.
@maria_anosova Of course we don't need to be afraid of new technologies, but we still need to keep our eyes open. What about with nuclear, we ended up power in a bad way, actually.
10 years ago, people thought AI would first replace professions requiring physical labor (driver, waiter) and eventually professions requiring intellectual work.
Now it's the other way around
@vladimir_tambovtsev This is absolutely true! In any case, I think AI will just become a very important tool and won't replace anyone. Cameras have not replaced artists, and cinema has not replaced theaters)
We miss a psychopath who will turn these developments against humanity :D. And I guess we don't need a person like this anywhere near these technologies. Hope it stays this way.
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