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  • Are you familiar with B2B PLG and PLS growth models?

    Kirr Simakovs
    1 reply
    Recently, I decided to complete product management courses to enhance my skills and Monosnap. 💡My goal is to test the hypothesis about B2B PLG, where a viral product with a PLG approach can generate a user funnel. - Compared to classic PLG, where the aim is to monetize PQLs (users who use your app) 🦄, my goal is to verify/validate leads/users and with their help, sell/upsell 'heavy products' or upgrades where CAC is sky-high. 🔍One of the sources where I got CAC info, which led me to find ChatGPT: [1] https://firstpagesage.com/seo-blog/marketing/average-cac-for-saas-businesses-by-industry-and-customer-type-fc/ Created visualization for it: [2] https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E22AQFRdLvMgD6Vhw/feedshare-shrink_1280/0/1700154054279?e=1715817600&v=beta&t=_E51_m_0wzpEUylmN-VrLGH_vJsHPgbgE0ZRg6jE4pE 🗺 From my approximation with ChatGPT, I've gotten these average CAC values for certain markets: - Consumer (B2C/B2D): $141 - $355 - SMB (Small to Midsize Business): $274 - $1,450 - Middle Market: $1,406 - $4,903 - Enterprise: $2,190 - $14,772 - Heavy Enterprise: keep in mind from $15k+ to infinity. ⭐️If you're still with me, I'm glad and excited to have captured your attention and to guide you through my reflections: 🧠 about Enterprise-level companies and productivity/usability tools for B2C with an LTV lower than $100 🙀The Enterprise/Heavy enterprise market is daunting mostly because of the following: - Extended sales cycles - Staggering CAC - Stringent requirements and high barriers to entry - Each lost customer significantly impacts revenue -> The prospect of attracting clients with CAC $10k+ seems daunting, yet for large firms/clients, the stakes can be even higher. 💸On the other hand, the B2C/B2D market for a wider audience seems more accessible. You can enter easily, with a faster development cycle for deployment/release, but unfortunately, the level of competition dramatically increases. You're up against Open-Source projects, free apps with ads, super affordable options, and donation-supported platforms like Wikipedia: - It's really simple to attract and engage first customers - Low CAC - Opportunities for impulsive/immediate purchases - Regrettably, you face low LTV and high churn rates if the app is 'unrefined'. In the case of Monosnap, any minor glitch/bug/crash/lags can drive users straight to numerous competitors 🔍Still, there are examples of startups/companies that have mastered navigating through Open-Source to infiltrate Enterprise/Heavy enterprise levels, exploiting the low CAC hack within B2C/B2D markets and filling the company from the bottom. Success cases: - RedHat - MongoDB - Docker - GitLab - HashiCorp etc 🦄💡🚀 So, the concept is pretty straightforward; there are essential tools/services in B2B/Enterprise that few are willing to pay much for, and there's immense competition targeting broader markets (B2C/B2D, SMB). These often can't make it into corporations due to security regulations and complex sales cycles/specific communications with procurement teams. 🦄Here's where the GAP is; untapped niches for hybrid software/services intended for end-users from the B2C/B2D markets with CAC ranging from $0 to $200, and lower LTV. By elevating the quality/level of service/software to B2B/Enterprise standards, you can compete with free or cheaper, lower-quality alternatives and penetrate the CAC in Enterprise/Heavy Enterprise because companies begin to adopt your service from the bottom up. 💡The only puzzle is choosing the right mix for a broad audience that also suits corporate needs, but such services often suffer from poor quality/limited support and fail to meet large companies' internal requirements for security, ACLs, integrations with corporate SSO, etc. 🚀Welcome aboard ⚡️ I’m eager to think through this market with you and pinpoint a few segments. - I’ve identified one and am actively engaged in it – it's Monosnap. - Dev tools / productivity tools X corp SSO X corp cloud storage + security kit. I write posts/texts and invite you to dive into this market with me, to structure knowledge and contemplate others 🙏 #b2b, #plg, #pls, #growth


    Kirr Simakovs
    ⚡️And here's a breakdown of the available markets: In general, everything below and to the left of SMB can serve as an entry point to Enterprise and Heavy enterprise, where it's tough... Because it's costly to get there, and even if you've got something cool/essential, you'll need to navigate through security departments/managers' and the procurement team's resistance. https://media.licdn.com/dms/imag...