Ksenia Larina (she/her)

Are you terrified AI is going to take your job or excited about the opportunities it opens?

Personally, I'm 50/50 on this one. Can't stop generating ideas on how else I can use GPT4 to do boring tasks faster and easier and stress out about having no idea how AI is going to affect the world and if there's going to be any room for things I'm good at (like, generating ideas and creativity)

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Aaron O'Leary
Can't decide but if it takes my job I'll just start farming or something or go back to food
Ksenia Larina (she/her)
@aaronoleary same! started a small vegetable garden on my balcony as a backup plan 🌝
Uma Venugopal
Humans have always been very resourceful so even if AI takes a job, we'll find better system for survival and growth.
Ksenia Larina (she/her)
@uma_venugopal definitely! what I'm a little afraid of is that there is a chance that we will be going through a VERY bumpy period of change and transformation. Kind of tired of living through major historic events by nowπŸ˜