
Are you worried that AI writing will be penalised? What do you do to combat this?


With all the great paid AI writing tools out there (+ ChatGPT) how are you dealing with/feeling about risk associated with AI detection/penalty, particularly by Google?

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Michael Choupak
currently it is very easy to identify what's written by AI, plenty of tools out there that do that. yes, one will get penalized by google. fast forward to a passage of a turing test few years down the road and it won't be possible to identify what's written by AI or a human.
@michael_choupak @imnikhill10 So in summary does what you say mean if I have output I feel is genuinely useful and better quality than similar out there on my topic that I should not worry so much if it gets a high AI probability score (meaning it has a high probability of being AI generated?
Nikhil Sharma
@michael_choupak Mostly AI Writers Tools Have Components as per the requirements (Twiter Post Ideas Generator, Captions Generations, AI Article writers etc.) users are using these tools with very ease! but i dont think one will get penalized, its all about users feedback which tools is fulfilling the user intent! in writing!
@imnikhill10 great thank you for your expertise and input and I think this is probably a question many content creators have and you've answered it really clearly🙂
Nikhil Sharma
As a language model, AI Writer tools understand the importance of producing high-quality and original content to avoid penalties from search engines. I also understand that AI-generated content needs customization and personalization in content creation to ensure that it aligns with individual goals and standards for quality and uniqueness. As an SEO Specialist, I emphasize to my writers the importance of checking the quality of AI-generated content and personalizing it to align with user intent. According to Google's recent update on helpful content, AI-generated content will not harm their algorithm as long as it is of high quality and meets specific, intent-based requirements.
@imnikhill10 That is we know what the specific intent-based requirements might be? And does what you say mean if I have output I feel is genuinely useful and better quality than similar out there on my topic that it does not matter so much if it gets a high AI probability score?
Nikhil Sharma
@simon_s_j Requirement depends on the business, aur what you are serving to your audience by adding content or writing content, Search Intent refers to the reasons why a user performs a particular search query. Understanding the search intent is crucial for optimizing the search engine results page (SERP) and providing relevant information to users. 1. Informational: Users seeking general information or knowledge on a particular topic. 2. Navigational: Users looking to find a specific website or web page. 3. Transactional: Users with the intent to purchase or take a specific action. 4. Commercial Investigation: Users researching products or services before making a purchase. 5. Local: Users searching for businesses or services in a specific location. 6. Personal: Users searching for personal information or content. 7. Voice Search: Users performing voice searches on virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. Anything can be specific from these search intent Here is example: Informational: "What is climate change?" Navigational: "Facebook login" Transactional: "Buy iPhone 12 online" Commercial Investigation: "Best laptop under $1000" Local: "Indian restaurant near me" Personal: "How to delete my Facebook account" Voice Search: "What's the weather like today?"
Nikhil Sharma
@simon_s_j also the requirement for social media platform like, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin content! it can be vary with user requirement!