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  • B2B or B2C and why?

    Janu Lingeswaran
    6 replies
    I saw a lot of discussions recently on X about one should launch B2B or B2C startups. Both sides argue a lot from marketing/sales perspective. I want to hear your opinion.


    Billy Lam
    B2C,Because our company can customize better products according to customer needs.
    Nah i don't give a crap about em'
    Fraser B
    Personally I prefer b2b. Around 60% of our new customers come through cold outreach. Yes there are regulations when contacting other businesses, but nowhere near the level of restrictions as b2c.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    B2C because I like to show soft data rather than hard data. :)
    Janu Lingeswaran
    @busmark_w_nika Why do you prefer soft data?