David May

Build In Public- Pay it Forward Intiative - Helping Mass layoffs affected - Search Strtup Jobs

Anyone who was a part of several tech layoffs today. please id like to help. ping me on here email me Twitter Dm me however you need to. There are so many people who have been hit hard. I want to save you time and hopefully get you in a good spot asap. For starters. I don’t need you to be a seeker on Search Startup Jobs would be nice but I want to help. I am personally daily( evenings for 3-5 hours) manually curating Employers and jobs to provide to build that community. If you have a specific skill or interest I have probably or will probably see that role 20-40 times jobs not on job boards. I will send you the direct job posting and hopefully it’ll help make an impact. I have added hundreds of jobs in the last 30 days by hand. So, just ping me tell me your interested and I’ll dig and find you some opportunities. Unfortunately, there will be more of these types of days. If you are facing this same challenge in the coming weeks and months. Same, privately message me and I will help. As the Building in Public squad knows, I'm rebuilding after Launch day...but if you have a friend/family member//loved one anyone send em my way, I want to help them now so in the future when everything is better..all I want is them to remember me 😁👇 twitter: @startupjobs4 Email: DM me your email

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David May
I am compiling a list and I will email you as often I find jobs you ar interested in until you tell me to stop or you found one! I am doing the hard work already...let me help