Burnout be gone — but how? 🤔

Bilal Asif
27 replies
Burnout sneaks up on you when you're juggling too much and forgetting to hit pause. It's that mix of exhaustion, overwhelm, and "I-can’t-do-this-anymore." The key? Boundaries, breaks, and a little bit of self-love go a long way. Let’s ditch the hustle overload and find balance instead! What’s your strategy to avoid burnout? 🛑


Take breaks often and consciously. Don't think of work at that time!
B2B Rocket
B2B Rocket
Launching soon!
Vacations ✈🏝
Bilal Asif
@hamza_afzal_butt What is your favorite place for vacation?
Tiger L
Take a break. Make time for activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. This could be anything from spending time in nature to practicing mindfulness or meditation.
Salar Davari
20 minutes of rest or a friendly chat with colleagues twice a day will go a long way.
Alexander Galitsky
No balance. Keep pushing. Go all in!!! Suffering is key to eternal happiness!!!
Bilal Asif
@ag94 Is that practical?
Take short breaks often
It depends on the people. Some would listen to music, some would go on a track with their motorcycle, some would run and others would cook. I've noticed that all the ways have one thing in common: they require unplugging from your work and tasks. You need to make this complete break and be able to detach yourself. Otherwise, burnout is not a matter of if, but when.
Griffin Rhys Donovan
Totally feel you on the burnout struggle! What's worked for me: 1) Regularly scheduling short getaways to nature spots nearby, even just day trips. The change of scenery works wonders. 2) Daily meditation, even 10 mins in the morning helps center me. 3) Blocking off no-meeting 'deep work' time on my calendar each day. Mountains are magical but these habits help keep burnout at bay even from home!
itrat batool
A good break from work, netflix, and lots of food
Laeequa Ahmad
A quick trip to the mountains! :D
Lisa Stanley
I tell you, prioritizing tasks and learning to delegate helps me manage my workload and avoid burnout.
Kira Ortega
Daily exercise, even just a walk, helps clear my mind and reduces stress.
Robin P.
Get into outdoor sports, ideally something that requires full mental and physical engagement. E.g. MTB, trail running, rock climbing. It refreshes your mind and brings some perspective in that business is one aspect of life, not everything.
Bilal Asif
@robin_poelmans I love to hike to clear my head. What do you prefer?
Robin P.
@bilalasif Trail running, rock climbing and biking. No chance to think about anything else when doing a technical downhill!
Misna Aira
Schedule the right time between work and rest. That way, the body will not get tired and fall ill🤗 Don't forget to do hobbies that can reduce your thoughts.
Zackary Mooney
I focus on setting realistic goals and celebrating small wins. This keeps me motivated and prevents that overwhelming feeling of trying to do it all at once.
Mahnoor Fatima
I think take short breaks