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  • Could you please share what work-life balance mean to you?

    Joy kalu
    64 replies
    Is it about setting boundaries or making time for hobbies?


    Faith Christopher
    it's about multitasking.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @faith_christopher Hmmmmm...I appreciate your thoughts though! But for me, work-life balance is more about prioritizing and managing time wisely than simply juggling multiple tasks. Don't you think it’s essential to make space for both work and personal life to reduce stress?
    Faith Christopher
    @joy_kalu1 Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal life, aiming to reduce stress and enhance well-being. When multitasking is mentioned in the context of work-life balance, it highlights the struggle many individuals face in managing multiple roles—such as being an employee, parent, and partner—simultaneously. Multitasking often leads to a false sense of productivity, as it can reduce overall efficiency and increase stress levels. Research indicates that multitasking does not enhance performance; rather, it can lead to mental exhaustion and decreased quality of work. Individuals frequently switch between tasks, which can diminish focus and create a feeling of being perpetually "on," impacting personal relationships and leisure time negatively. To achieve a healthier work-life balance, experts recommend practicing "sequential mono-tasking," where individuals focus on one task at a time, thereby improving productivity and reducing stress. This approach allows for deeper engagement in both work and personal life, fostering a more fulfilling overall experience.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @faith_christopher interesting!
    Kavya Tripathi
    It is about making time for family and hobbies for me.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @kavya Tripathi Definitely! Prioritizing family and dedicating time to our passions is essential. What hobbies do you want to focus on more?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    To enjoy what you are doing so there is no such term as "work".
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @busmark_w_nika Exactly! When you truly enjoy what you're doing, it feels less like work and more like a passion. Thanks Nika
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    @busmark_w_nika thats the problem. Many people don't even notice that they are burning out. The people best qualified to judge your work-life balance are your partner, your kids and your friends.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @joy_kalu1 Exactly how you said that!
    Alexander Galitsky
    Occasionally having 6 hours of sleep, and two 15-minute meals during a day
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @ag94 How do you manage to stay energized?🤔
    Alexander Galitsky
    @joy_kalu1 I don’t actually
    Tiger L
    For me, it's like managing the demands of both professional and personal life in a way that promotes well-being and satisfaction in both areas.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @tigerl interesting
    Rebecca hill
    It's about finding harmony between work and down time.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @rebecca__hill Absolutely! Striking a balance between work and downtime is key. thanks🎉
    Yiraika Bacchi
    To me, work-life balance is about setting boundaries so I can enjoy time with family and friends, while still being productive at work
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @yiraika_bacchi interesting 🥰
    Kareem Azeez bola
    personally, it involves creating a balance between work and life and having enough time for family that doesnt involve work
    Miyene Tom
    whatever you do ensure you create personal time for yourself. Cause you need Life to be able to work
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @miyene_tom on point✌️
    Raza Rasool
    Being able to spend time with my family while efficiently managing my work and task.
    For me finding harmony between career and personal life.
    thina samin
    I think prioritizing both work and personal well-being.
    Nupur Tevatiya
    When I do not have to worry about work while being with my family.
    Millie Miller
    Managing time effectively to enjoy both. 🥰
    Monty Parin
    For me setting boundaries to prevent burnout.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @monty_parin Absolutely!
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @monty_parin I do the same to avoid burnout.
    Athar Jatoi
    Work-life balance is about flexibility. It’s being able to adjust my work hours to fit my personal needs and still be productive. If I can manage my schedule to include both work and downtime, I feel much more balanced.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @athar_jatoi That’s a fantastic strategy! Achieving that balance can truly have a positive impact. Do you have any advice on how to manage your schedule effectively?
    Aayaz Gul
    For me, work-life balance means setting clear boundaries between my professional and personal life. It’s about having time to relax, pursue hobbies, and spend quality moments with family without work always looming in the background.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @aayaz_gul Alright đź’ž
    Michael Thomas
    To me, work-life balance is ensuring that work doesn’t take over my entire life. It’s about making time for exercise, social activities, and simply unwinding, so I don’t burn out and can come back to work refreshed.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @michaeltho_mas Wow! Nice one!✌️ Really love your perspective.
    Khali Rob
    Balancing responsibilities without sacrificing happiness.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @khali_khali1 Absolutely! Discovering that balance is crucial đź’Ş
    Isis Clemente
    Finding fulfillment in all aspects of life.
    Joy kalu
    Launching soon!
    @isis_clemente That's a wonderful goal✌️