Richard Fang

Do you blog?


Simple question - as part of your marketing strategy, personal branding, or just maybe some thoughts on paper kind of deal. Would love to hear people who blog and the reasons why 😊 Also perhaps a bonus - maybe how you grew your blog if you managed to do so? For me personally, I managed to grow on Medium but it did take some time!

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Ruben Wolff
How did you grow your blog with Medium? Here at we recently started a blog ( as well as it fits the aim of our search engine: to provide business insights. We are currently trying to implement strategies to grow the blog, but as we just started, I can't tell what is working or not
Richard Fang
@rubenwolff It's a combination of a few factors - what worked last year doesn't work this year. More recently, it's about keeping on top of what publications want to publish. Additionally content that gives a reader an action point e.g. "How I did "this strategy" to make "outcome"" articles tend to perform a lot better or like "15 shortcuts to use with "certain tech" type articles I think there's a big entrepreueurship or at least ones that are considering it audience on Medium so this content resonates a lot better. Bigger 'trendy' type articles seem to have fallen off (since I used to write about them) and more specific type articles work a lot better. Generally you're relying on Medium to pick your article up so trying to keep both the publications and the algorithm happy = success :) Hopefully this explains it !
Ruben Wolff
@richardfliu thanks a lot for the insight ;) that's very interesting, I'll keep it in mind with the articles we post on our blog, to target more specific and talk about our experience
Hi.. I blog for personal reasons. To develop my language skills, so Im capable of writing the branding stories when it's time for my startup. I write on SubStack, Im not looking to grow my audience. The key with blogging is to understand that, it'll take a minimum of 6 months to get any kind of attention. I believe a regular writing habit for 6 months will get me to a point of 'decent creative writing' which'll meet the expectations of my audience. I started writing regularly about a month ago. Blogging is also a great way to discover my own strengths. All the best with your blogging!
Richard Fang
@gogloballakshmi Yeah that's a great way to go about it - keep on going :)
Dylan Brown
Hey! I am also o lover of reading blogs on this topic, and I read the blogs you said. Like you, I would like to find others who write on the same subject and be just as enjoyable. Idk how to find more blogs, but If you are passionate about this subject, why don't you start to write such a blog? For me, it will be interesting to read your information. For example, one of my friends began writing blogs one day about crime. It was a little hard for him at first, but now his blogs are top-rated, and he didn't even expect to reach so many followers. It helped him a lot that he knew a lot about the subject, and he had a website that guided him through the three easy steps to start a blog. I wish you success, and if you start writing, let me know. I would gladly read it.
Alexey Shashkov
I blog my Russian-language telegram-channel about startups and digital products. I read interesting content and make summaries in the blog. I want to start to do the same for English-speaking audience. Where should I write it? Medium? What do you think about it?
Richard Fang
@shashcoffe Wow that's awesome to hear! Definitely Medium is a great place to start, especially if you write about digital products and startups
Anton Ross
At first, I just wrote interesting programming chips to the blog, so as not to lose them. Recipes for promoting your project. Then I installed advertising, and the blog began to generate income. From that moment on, I began to engage in it more actively
Isabel Nyo
Yes I do, in fact for 16 years... I remember the exact date because it was quite an easy date to remember — Christmas Day, about 16 years ago. 25 December 2005, to be precise. What did I blog about, especially on a Christmas day, I hear you ask. At that time, I was working as a developer for a media company, doing web development during office hours and in my spare time. I talked about my personal projects and wrote anything about web development — CSS, JavaScript, API, PHP, and any web technology at that time. You name it, I blogged about it. 😉 There was no shortage of what to blog about, because I was living and breathing web development. Fast-forward to now, and both my personal and professional life have changed. I am now an engineering manager and a proud mother of a six-year-old girl. Therefore, my blog has evolved from being a technical blog with code snippets and demos to a blog that talks about technology careers, leadership, and life from the perspective of a female leader in technology who is also a mother. More about my blogging journey
Richard Fang
@eisabai Wow what a detailed story! haha