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  • Do you invest more in building your personal or company brand on social media?

    Investing in terms of your time and finances.


    Milli Sen
    Personal brand more. Today, consumers are more inclined towards trusting a person with a face and authority than an anonymous brand.
    Milli Sen
    @busmark_w_nika Thanks for sharing this. Didn't know such cases happened on X out of all platforms. Will definitely be cautious.
    Maurizio Isendoorn
    A business brand is harder to build I believe because you need to add some personality to the business. For your personal brand you can be yourself and talk about things you like.
    Boris Markarian
    I believe a personal brand is more important and at the same time it helps you promote your business. When people trust and connect with you, they're more likely to buy into what you're selling. It's all about making real connections.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @boris_moris44 Do you think that owners of brands should have community managers or social media managers that manage their profiles? Like, give access to these people's personal profile?
    Rada Vassil
    @boris_moris44 @busmark_w_nika Companies should, and many indeed do, employ social media managers to focus exclusively on their brand. Brand development is an ongoing process.
    People don't wanna buy from a faceless organisation. So IMO Personal brand = Company's brand.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @shubhamrajelli Is it a good thing to build company on a one person? What if that one person once day quit? For example social media manager?
    Even I am confused of this because I started building my psychology brand, TheBrainPsych, but I found it difficult to spread the efforts :(
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @realdesigntack Have you tried to build your personal brand first and then your company brand?
    @busmark_w_nika I started with a personal brand and then switched to company brand so that it can be the umbrella under which i do a lot of things, specific to the niche of that company brand.
    Rada Vassil
    @realdesigntack @busmark_w_nika That's the dream scenario, but the reality in startups is everything happens at lightning speed. There's neither the time nor a specific individual allocated for such tasks.
    Nitin Joshi
    I would say both
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nitin_joshi and where are people's responses more often? Do people interact more with your personal brand or company brand? Hmm? 🤔
    Nitin Joshi
    @busmark_w_nika I connect with people as person and as brand both. Like Here I also represent my organization when needed and also my self.
    Jon Wesselink
    When considering your social media presence, i'd strike a balance between building your personal brand and your company's brand. While some argue against associating a business too closely with individual, iconic examples like Steve Jobs and Apple, demonstrate the power of intertwining personal and corporate identities. Tailor your strategy to align with your goals; consider posting both personal and company-related content across platforms, leveraging things like collaborations (on Instagram) to amplify your reach. Keep it authentic and relevant to your target audience, and I think you strike magic when you embrace that a company's story comes from its people (you!) :D
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jonwesselink ! 😀 Personally, I think that brands live thanks to the cult and charisma of their founders (personal brand) – like Mars (chocolate producer), Henry Ford, and Tomáš Baťa. Every company brand has its leader. When I say the company's name, I recall the founder they became famous for (Apple – Jobs, Microsoft – Gates). The same could apply to bands. When I say the Queen – you recall Freddy Mercury. But I do not think if I said: Roger Taylor – you would associate him with the Queen. The founder is like a frontman of the brand (company).
    Henry Yuan
    Personal branding is crucial because people build trust with individuals, not companies. Your personal social media can reflect your unique voice and perspectives, independent of corporate branding. This freedom allows for the expression of personal views.
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    I focus more on building my personal brand, not necessarily by choice but because I find it easier to establish a personal brand first and then leverage that to build my company's brand. This approach seems particularly beneficial for solopreneurs who are in the early stages of bootstrapping their startups. In such cases, having a strong personal brand can significantly benefit the company brand. This is primarily because, at the beginning, people's trust in your company is closely tied to their trust in you as an individual. Establishing a trustworthy personal brand can lay a solid foundation for your company's credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers and partners.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @abdalyousef Where is your personal presence the strongest (platform)? Share links pls.
    Janak Patel
    For Start Up - Personal brand. Personal brand builds your company brand
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @janak_patel56 If you do not mind, I used it in the latest post (I tagged you) 🙂 https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    I do both. There are a few brands that do this. For eg, Nothing, Cred, Sleepy Owl, Souled Store, etc. Relying on just one doesn't sound bulletproof to me.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @senthil99nathan how do you approach to company branding (in the sense of building it)?
    Kathleen Edwards
    I prioritize building my personal brand on social media. Even though my company's brand matters, I can build credibility, connect with people in a genuine way, and ultimately contribute to the success of the company more successfully by making an investment in my personal brand.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kathleen_edwards What is your personal brand and company brand? Can you share links?
    Benjamin Sloutsky
    Personal brand definitely seems easier to build because people relate more to emotions and it’s easier to invoke more emotions through yourself than a company.
    In my opinion, when you're embarking on something new, your personal brand is intricately linked to your company brand, especially in the realm of B2B. Your initial clients might often be individuals or organizations you've interacted with before. This makes it challenging to distinguish between the two! Thus, investing in your personal brand inevitably influences your company brand, and vice versa. What do you think @busmark_w_nika ?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nmitra Yeah, I think that when you are a company without showing the face of the founder, with some crisis... you will not be harmed as a person... I think that Satoshi Nakamoto's approach has its pros and cons... but anonymity is not so personal. Is it something between – you have a hero who hides the face. My general thought is to be aware of your actions and the actions of your company to not expose yourself to problems that could harm you. Mistakes are, of course, good for learning. But the bigger you are, there should be less mistakes.
    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    Personal brand is a more evergreen option
    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    @busmark_w_nika what's that supposed to mean? :D
    On LinkedIn and Twitter, personal branding is much more relevant than company branding. Engagement on brand social pages on those networks is very low. Invest in personal branding to bring awareness to the company instead.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @toni_pm Do you know about any social media where a company's brand grows faster and more than a personal brand?
    Both but I feel like personal branding is crucial for creating more reliability and it fosters the company branding as well
    Yana Berezniatska
    I'm investing in personal brand, it's something that will be with you till the end. Even your company not alive and you need to build a new company again, strong personal brand definetly help to this. People work with people, not with logos.
    Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré (Eithiriel)
    Always personal. Genuine connections will always "follow" and support you continually, no matter where you work...
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nikkielizdemere that's true. When you have a personal brand people are more likely to follow any business you create. Something like Gary Vee.
    Kavya Tripathi
    Trying to create a social branding for rotoscoping songs. Just for leisure and fun (investing in terms of time) Do check it out guys https://www.instagram.com/doodle...