Raghav Goyal

Do you list down the list of tasks you completed in a day, everyday? If yes, where?


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ali ata
Dear Raghav, I generally use my reminder app on iPhone, but I used to MeisterTask App and Excel :)
Raghav Goyal
@ali_ata Never heard of MeisterTask, will check it out!
Stuti Agarwal
Yes. In my PaperClip Planner! I have a monthly calendar for confirmed events, classes. And a daily update on to-dos.
Raghav Goyal
@stuti Woah that sounds interesting. Gift me one?
Stuti Agarwal
@rg97 Haha, it's old school and absolutely lovely. And yes! If you're not weirded by starting a yearly planner in May (I have to start on January 1, pet peeve). Address on message please.
Fabian Maume
Yes. I'm just speaking to myself on Slack. On message per task and I'm using the remind me feature a lot.
Fabian Maume
@rg97 Definitely not Whatsapp, the desktop support is terrible and require to have mobile phone on data at all time.
Raghav Goyal
@fabian_maume Hahaha or Whatsapp. Or Telegram. You know what, try out - Obsidian! Should help you!
Shubhank Saxena
I use Todoist. Works like a charm for me! Seamless integration across my various devices
Raghav Goyal
@shubhank_saxena Could you drop in the link for the same? website/app download
Mrinalini Rabindranath
I used to write a to do list every morning and make sure to check things off the list by the end of the day. Recently I switched to entering all work related tasks on google sheets. I'm on the lookout for better sites/apps to help me do the same.
Raghav Goyal
@mrinalini_r Google sheets is great. Try Kanban Boards!
Tom Grigory
I use a white board as well as notion
Raghav Goyal
@tom_grigory I LOVE WHITE BOARDS. But how do you make this sustainable for longer duration tasks, say week/month?
Tom Grigory
@rg97 I use a combination of notion and whiteboard for that. Notion for long term goals and whiteboard for short term ones.
Chandan Das
At the beginning of day i do and also put space for emergency work or instant work in that list
Raghav Goyal
@chandan_shopify Hey that's a great idea. Adhoc tasks always come up in the day, keeping time for them, seems like a good idea
Jaskiran Kaur
My company has a PMS Software (Product Management Software ) in which we list our tasks and working hours and a DSR which we sent to Team Lead
Raghav Goyal
@jaskiran_kaur Hey that sounds helpful! Can you let me know the name of the software? I'm finding one for my teammates!
Jaskiran Kaur
@rg97 Hey Raghav , It is PMS(Productivity Management System ) developed by my company , it is a software product development company. The DSR we make we add our task , task hours , status - done and pending and its Goal.
Vio from Selftalk
white board, notion, paper
Raghav Goyal
@viorica_vanica Notion is love.
Atanas Georgiev
I use a notebook to write up my ToDo list the night before. Then in the morning I review it and make a plan what to start working on. As soon as I complete a task, I go to my ToDo list and cross it off - this gives me a feeling of small win and its nice :) Around lunchtime I review it again and if priorities have changed I adjust it. I feel like using a physical pen and notebook is more fulfilling for me :D
Raghav Goyal
@atanas_georgiev2 Me too. You can always find me with my pocket notebook and pen. Fulfilling and wholesome :)
Shiva Prabhakaran
I use notion to create a simple to-do list. I created a tutorial on how you can do the same =>
Raghav Goyal
@killshiva Notion is my one stop tool for all. Love it :)
Jack Davis
I use my notes in my iphone lol😂.
Raghav Goyal
@jack_davis7 simplicity is best
Max Scott
Yes, I use TMetric to log my tasks on a daily basis.
Raghav Goyal
@max_scott Oh wow, never heard of that actually. Let me quickly check it out
Shiva Prabhakaran
Notion. I built my own task manager. If you'd like, I'll share a tutorial that I made of it.
Raghav Goyal
@killshiva Hey that would be great. Where can i find this tutorial? Could you DM it to me?
Prateek Mathur
Raghav Goyal
@prateek_mathur Kanban boards for the win
I can't live without Any.do
Raghav Goyal
@skipvs Haha yet have to try this tool out
Isabel Nyo
Definitely. It is so satisfying to mark tasks as complete. I use notion and you can check out my template aka system on Product Launch. Just search for The Creator System.
Raghav Goyal
@eisabai Definitely will check it out Isabel! Sounds interesting, let's connect :)
I write down in my diary but I think I need a writable wall where I can follow up the pending tasks, collate my thoughts and can connect all the dots together. For me when I write with my hand gives me the most satisfaction and thoughts to new ideas.