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  • Do you support the idea of AI-generated profile photos/AI-generated personalities for business?

    How do you perceive AI-generated characters for presenting businesses? Do you find it personal? Recently I read the article that Meta is shutting down their AI-generated chatbots as they weren't as popular as expected. Thoughts? 🤔


    Mark Lemuel M
    people love personalized conversation, so yeah AI cannot give such no matter how great it gets.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kilopolki Feel the same !
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    This is the article about the situation: https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/...
    Yash Patidar
    AI-generated personas 🤖 can streamline business interactions, but they lack genuine human connection ❤️. Meta’s chatbot flop shows people prefer authenticity 🫶. So, use AI to assist , not replace, real human engagement .
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @yash_patidar_ yep, social media and look-like platforms are about socialising :) What's the point then without people?
    @yash_patidar_ @busmark_w_nika totally agree here. Even if we are using AI products on daily basis, we still need a human communications and feel that connection
    Paolo Go
    I think they can be useful for some purposes. For example for marketing and tutorials, but definitely not for socializing :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @access24 yes, it can be acceptable this way. But when I get comments that are generated I am like: Guys, please :D
    Paolo Go
    @busmark_w_nika yes, I also hate this :D
    Tim Liao
    I think it's feasible, depending on the purpose. More realistic avatars, photos, images, and character personas tend to foster trust. On the other hand, avatars and images that are non-human, unrealistic, exaggerated, or dramatic can convey the personality and characteristics of a person or a business. I believe both can be supported, but it's crucial not to use AI-generated content in a way that misleads people into thinking it's not AI-generated. This can cause misunderstandings. For instance, using a business avatar that looks like a real person might lead people to believe it's the CEO of the company, but in reality, it's an AI-generated fictitious character, and it might not even resemble anyone associated with the business. I oppose content that is deceptive or fraudulent. It's unclear whether Meta's decision to shut down was due to commercial reasons or some controversies.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @timliao People should be cleared first that it is an AI and that's why companies are prompted to label them as AI. Personally, I wouldn't prefer them for such industries, but for some yes (video games, creative studios etc.) What approach would you take? To use AI characters or not?
    Tim Liao
    @busmark_w_nika for me. I like the real person feeling.
    Iqra Arif
    Well, I think it is so common that people now don't bother to create a new avatar for for all their socials.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @iqra_arif True. But for me, social media is about real people and connections. I do not feel very engaged with something AI-generated.
    Henry Đặng
    @iqra_arif @busmark_w_nika same feeling, Nika. I can not trust people with AI profile photo.
    Federico Zuluaga Knorr
    I think it's actually a good solution for giving a brand/product an AI face or persona. I would just make sure that you recognise and openly communicate that it's an AI and that you don't try to sell it as a real person.
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    @federico_zuluaga_knorr Can you give an example of who does it well? I mean some successful project/brand that handled it greatly? :)
    Myles McPherson
    I don't know... I have a rule that an AI should never do a human job and being personal is a very human thing. Profile pictures don't really matter to me, but humans typically want to talk to other humans. Everyone hates 'chatgpt responses' so you don't want to associate your brand with that
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    @influence_labs I am for that same opinion. :)
    Only very basic problems can be solved. Far from enough in terms of personalised responses.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @matthew021510 yes, AI is quite general (its answers are not so personalised, or to me they don't sound personalised)
    Anthony Sellitto
    I've been seeing music artists use AI generated posters on their YouTube for hold images on their playlists.. Here's a playlist on our service as example did this week. https://ax3.com/playlist/66ace07...
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @ax3com I think that for the entertainment industry AI generated character are quite okay, but I cannot imagine them in finance, insurance etc.
    Rahul Parmar
    AI-generated profiles can enhance branding but may lack a personal touch.