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  • Do you think AI is going to kill HR? ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ‘”

    Ghulam Abbas
    68 replies
    With the rapid advancements in AI technology, there's a growing debate about its impact on various industries. One area that's particularly intriguing is Human Resources. Do you think AI is going to replace traditional HR roles? Will it enhance the HR function by automating repetitive tasks and providing data-driven insights, or could it potentially lead to the obsolescence of HR departments as we know them? Let's discuss: ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿค” The potential benefits and drawbacks of AI in HR. ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ๐ŸŒ Real-life examples of AI tools already making waves in the HR space. ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’ก Your predictions for the future of HR with the rise of AI. ๐Ÿ’ก Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


    Amit Gawande
    we have a product of our own in the AI - recruitment space. It won't kill HR but it is only going to eliminate redundant work.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @argawande That's great to hear! How does your product handle the recruitment process? Paillor also focuses on eliminating redundant tasks to enhance efficiency. Would love to hear more about your approach!
    Amit Gawande
    @abbas143official CVViZ (our AI Recruiting Solution ) is focused on recruitment workflow. We use AI for resume screening, job listing, etc.
    AI is unlikely to completely eliminate HR (Human Resources) as a field, but it is definitely transforming it in significant ways. Hereโ€™s how: 1. **Automation of Routine Tasks:** AI can automate repetitive tasks such as resume screening, scheduling interviews, and handling basic employee queries. This frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic and human-centric aspects of their roles. 2. **Enhanced Decision Making:** AI can analyze large volumes of data to provide insights for better decision-making in areas like recruitment, performance evaluation, and talent management. 3. **Personalization:** AI-driven tools can personalize employee experiences by understanding individual preferences and needs, improving engagement and retention. 4. **Bias Reduction:** AI can help reduce unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion decisions by focusing on objective criteria rather than subjective judgments. 5. **Skills Development:** AI-powered learning platforms can facilitate continuous learning and skills development tailored to employees' career paths. 6. **Employee Well-being:** AI can monitor employee well-being indicators, predict potential issues, and recommend interventions to improve workplace satisfaction and productivity. However, HR involves complex human interactions, empathy, and understanding of organizational culture, which are not easily replaceable by AI. Therefore, while AI will certainly change how HR operates, itโ€™s more about augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing them entirely.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @stevsky Absolutely, you hit the nail on the head! AI can indeed enhance efficiency in HR tasks, but human empathy and understanding remain irreplaceable. How do you see the future of HR balancing AI's capabilities with the human touch?
    I think AI can't completely replace HR for the time being, HR spends more time communicating with candidates, and there are many things that will be obtained from communication, such as looks, personality, habitual behaviour, etc., which are all subject to a great deal of uncertainty, and AI can't accurately obtain these things now. However, it is undeniable that AI can help HR to complete some repetitive work, provided that the work can be abstracted to some basic AI can understand the framework.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @zhang_jon You make a great point about the complexity of human interaction in HR, which involves understanding nuances like appearance, personality, and behavioral patterns. While AI excels in automating repetitive tasks, it currently struggles with such uncertainties. How do you think AI can evolve to better support HR in assessing these qualitative aspects while maintaining human-centric values?
    AI isn't likely to eliminate HR entirely. It will likely automate tasks like screening resumes and scheduling interviews. This frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic work like employee engagement and also make good and enjoyable environment as well as development. So, according to me AI will be a partner to HR, not a replacement.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @pari_pushpakar Absolutely agree! AI's role in HR is more about enhancing efficiency in routine tasks like resume screening and scheduling, allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives such as employee engagement and fostering a positive work environment. How do you envision AI and HR working together to create a more effective and supportive workplace culture?
    LinkedCRM AI
    LinkedCRM AI
    I think AI plays a very important role in the process of screening candidates. Whether to hire them finally or not depends on HR's face-to-face communication and understanding of the candidates. After all, many real situations will not be reflected in digital content.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @zenda1122 Absolutely, AI can be incredibly useful in the initial stages of screening candidates by quickly analyzing resumes and identifying potential fits. However, the final hiring decision relies heavily on HR's face-to-face interactions and deeper understanding of the candidates. How do you see AI improving the efficiency of the screening process while preserving the essential human elements in the final hiring decision?
    Hossain Ahmad
    Repetitive tasks like resume screening, scheduling interviews, or sending marketing emails can be handled by AI, freeing up HR and Marketing professionals for more strategic work. The human touch remains irreplaceable. HR will still be needed for complex negotiations, building company culture, and managing employee relations.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @doplac_com Absolutely, AI can handle repetitive tasks, allowing HR and Marketing professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. The human touch remains vital for complex negotiations, fostering company culture, and managing employee relations. How do you see AI evolving to further support these strategic roles while maintaining the essential human elements?
    Dogan Akbulut
    Great question! AI will enhance HR rather than replace it, allowing HR professionals to focus more on strategic and interpersonal aspects of their roles. ๐ŸŒŸ
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @doganakbulut Absolutely! AI will complement HR by automating routine tasks, freeing up HR professionals to concentrate on strategic planning and interpersonal interactions. How do you think HR professionals can best leverage AI to maximize their impact on organizational growth and employee well-being?
    Erol Secilmis
    AI in HR can significantly streamline recruitment processes by efficiently sifting through resumes and matching candidates. Yet, there's always a concern about bias in AI algorithms. How do you think we can ensure fairness in AI-driven hiring? ๐Ÿ“„๐Ÿค–
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @erol_secilmis Great point about bias! Ensuring fairness in AI-driven hiring is crucial. How do you think AI tools like Paillor can help mitigate bias while enhancing recruitment efficiency?
    Jacque Yu
    Absolutely, AI is transforming HR, but I don't think it's going to "kill" it. Instead, AI will likely enhance HR functions by automating repetitive tasks like resume screening, scheduling interviews, and even providing initial candidate assessments. This frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic, human-centric tasks like employee engagement, culture building, and talent development. The human element remains crucial. AI can handle data and patterns, but empathy, intuition, and complex problem-solving are uniquely human traits that are essential in HR. So, while AI will reshape HR, it will likely lead to a more balanced, tech-enhanced approach rather than a complete replacement.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @wenyi_yu The human element is irreplaceable, especially for empathy, intuition, and complex problem-solving. AI will enhance HR by handling data and patterns, leading to a more balanced, tech-enhanced approach. How do you think AI can best support HR professionals in maintaining this balance?
    Erkam Bozan
    The integration of AI in HR tools, like chatbots for employee queries, is already making a splash. These tools can handle routine questions, but can they truly understand and address complex human issues? What are your thoughts on AIโ€™s ability to handle nuanced employee interactions? ๐Ÿ’ฌโœจ
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @erkam_bozan You raise an important question about AI in HR tools. While chatbots excel at handling routine queries, their ability to understand and address complex human issues is still evolving. How do you think AI-driven tools, like Paillor, can continue to improve in handling nuanced employee interactions while supporting HR professionals effectively?
    ร–mer Yavuz
    While AI can help in predicting employee turnover by analyzing various factors, it raises privacy concerns. How can companies balance the benefits of predictive analytics with the need to protect employee privacy? ๐Ÿ”’๐Ÿ“ˆ
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @omeryavuz You bring up a critical concern about AI and employee privacy. Balancing the benefits of predictive analytics with privacy protection is essential. How do you think companies should approach this balance effectively while leveraging AI tools like Paillor for insights into employee turnover?
    Mehmet KULE
    As AI takes on more administrative roles in HR, the need for reskilling becomes apparent. HR professionals might need to upskill to stay relevant. How do you see the future of HR education and training evolving with AI? ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿš€
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @mehmetkule You've highlighted a crucial point about the evolving role of AI in HR and the need for reskilling among professionals. How do you envision the future of HR education and training adapting to integrate AI technologies effectively?
    Eylรผl Eylem Metin
    AI-driven analytics can provide deeper insights into employee performance and engagement, enabling better decision-making. However, can these data-driven insights fully capture the human element of workplace dynamics? Whatโ€™s your take on this balance? ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ”
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @eylemmetin You've touched on a significant aspect of AI-driven analytics in HR. While data-driven insights can enhance decision-making, capturing the full human element of workplace dynamics remains a challenge. How do you think AI tools can be enhanced to better balance quantitative insights with qualitative aspects of employee performance and engagement?
    Elias Ari
    AI has the potential to revolutionize employee onboarding by creating personalized training programs. However, can AI truly replace the mentorship and guidance that new employees receive from experienced colleagues? What are your thoughts?
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @elias_ari You've raised an important point about AI in employee onboarding. While AI can personalize training programs, the mentorship and guidance from experienced colleagues are invaluable. How do you think companies can integrate AI into onboarding processes while preserving the essential human element of mentorship?
    Nikhil Wad
    AI isn't going to kill HR, but it will certainly transform it. AI can streamline repetitive tasks, improve recruitment processes, and enhance decision-making with data-driven insights. However, the human aspect of HRโ€”empathy, relationship-building, and understanding complex interpersonal dynamicsโ€”remains irreplaceable. AI will complement HR professionals, allowing them to focus more on strategic initiatives and human-centric roles.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @thenikhilwad AI will transform HR by enhancing efficiency in tasks like recruitment and decision-making while preserving the irreplaceable human elements of empathy and relationship-building. How do you see AI and HR professionals collaborating to achieve this balance effectively in the future?
    Jam Straw
    Numerous mundane and administrative HR functions, including payroll management, interview scheduling, and resume screening, can be automated by AI. As a result, HR experts may work less and be more efficient.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @bestdesign2hub You're spot on! Automating mundane HR tasks like payroll management, interview scheduling, and resume screening with AI can significantly increase efficiency for HR professionals. How do you think this shift towards automation will impact the overall effectiveness of HR departments?
    Ditarth Desai
    AI's role in HR is about streamlining processes, not replacing human judgment. It's helping HR professionals make better decisions with data, improving candidate experience, and enabling more personalized employee interactions.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @ditarth_wbs Well said! AI in HR is focused on enhancing processes and decision-making with data, rather than replacing human judgment. How do you think AI can further improve the candidate experience and personalize employee interactions in HR practices?
    Selin Coktin
    The concept of AI-powered personal assistants for employees is intriguing. They can streamline workflows and provide instant support. But do you think employees might become too reliant on these assistants, potentially stifling their own problem-solving skills? ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿค–
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @selin_coktin That's a valid concern! How do you think AI tools like Paillor can strike a balance between providing support and encouraging employee autonomy in problem-solving? We'd love to hear your thoughts!
    Jayesh Gohel
    Hey @abbas143official AI is unlikely to completely replace HR, but it will significantly change how HR works. Here's a simple explanation: AI can help with many HR tasks like: Sorting job applications Scheduling interviews Answering common employee questions Analyzing employee data However, HR still needs human skills for: Understanding complex employee situations Developing company culture Making sensitive decisions Building relationships with employees In short, AI will be a powerful tool for HR professionals, making their work more efficient. But the human touch in HR will remain important. AI and humans in HR will likely work together, each focusing on what they do best.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @jpgohil93 AI will undoubtedly enhance efficiency in HR, yet the human touch remains indispensable. How do you envision AI and human collaboration in HR evolving to optimize their respective strengths?
    I don't think so. It may reduce the workout of the HR departments, it may cause removal of HR in some of the companies - but I firmly believe that at the end of the day, the need to meet with a person face to face before making the final decision will ensure the HR stays around. Also, there's the matter of all the issues that can't be managed easily and still are dealt with by the HR. So, reduction - yes. Removal - not really.
    Ghulam Abbas
    Launching soon!
    @karol_wejchert You make a compelling point. While AI may streamline HR tasks and reduce workload, face-to-face interactions and handling complex issues will likely keep HR essential. How do you think AI can best complement, rather than replace, the human elements of HR?