Isa Tanis

Framer or Webflow?


No-code tools like Framer and Webflow are gaining significant traction. What do you think is driving this trend, and how do you see it shaping the future?

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Tarun Kumar
webflow for us!
Isa Tanis
@tarun_kumar44 Isn't it expensive?
Hakan Baybas
Wordpress is the legend :-)
Isa Tanis
@bybshkn old but gold 😂
Enis Presheva III
@bybshkn Nah, Wordpress is expired now 😂
Hakan Baybas
@enispresheva3 yeah I know, we're using webflow but I'm a bit old-fashioned :)
Hakan Baybas
@vertikanigam thanks for the heads up, I'll check that :)
Enis Presheva III
I know and tried both of them! Webflow is a lot more advanced, but Framer is faster. If you're a designer looking for fast implementation of your designs, I'd recommend Framer. If you want more fancy and advanced websites, go for Webflow. For example: I build with Framer And I built with Webflow (it has 3D animations etc.)
Isa Tanis
@enispresheva3 Good explanation 🙌 Did you try to do custom things? Which one is better for this perspective?
Yami Sun
@enispresheva3 Thank you for your insights. We're launching "Copus” soon and would appreciate your support and feedback:
Isa Tanis
@enispresheva3 tbh as a software developer I don't like Webflow but otherwise, it takes too much time to build a landing page.
Moritz Sauer
We have built a lot of custom integrations for our Customer Experience on viewflip with Webflow. Custom Script Code Blocks are limited to 10k characters. On one page we needed 18 separate Custom Code Blocks for our Integration. I like Webflow a lot. Used Slider Revolution for 10 years before, as a Wordpress extension. Feel free to get notified on our launch at May 14th via Best regards!
Enis Presheva III
@isatanis Webflow is more customizable tho:)
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
Not familiar with Framer, but if it’s like Webflow, I get why. It’s a lot faster building something with no-code, and then export the code. It takes a lot of pain away
Isa Tanis
@claudiu_cogalniceanu I didn’t export from webflow before. Is it giving a good results?
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
@isatanis I’m not sure tbh, because you can’t export the code from the free plan. But from what I saw, it’s similar to wordpress where you can add animations, custom javascript, and export everything (but you need to pay for it). I’m currently using TeleportHQ for design and code export. It’s pretty basic, but it’s pretty good for a free service
Choosing between Framer and Webflow depends on your specific needs: Framer is great for high-fidelity prototyping and interaction design, while Webflow excels in visually building responsive websites without coding. Consider your project's focus and skill set to make the best choice.
Isa Tanis
@zijian Thanks for the information Gong 🙌
Gary Sztajnman
Webflow. But webflow is torture
Isa Tanis
@garysz couldn't agree more 👍
Yeahia Sarker
I would suggest you to try
Isa Tanis
@yeahiasarker hmm new one. thanks for letting me know 🙌
Jakob Engelhardt
Priyanka Saini
I only tried Framer.
Isa Tanis
@priyanka27 how was your experience?
Framer! is a great tool!
Isa Tanis
@heyalbert Could you share your experience?
Alex Gray-Johnson
ive only tried webflow, but will never move, just so simple
Isa Tanis
@alex_grayjohnson wow 🫢 never say never
It depends on your needs (for the website) and how you like to design websites - more like Figma, or more like traditional development with block-based design.
Matheus Alencar
Webflow is my favorite
I prefer webflow, there is a lot more functionality in terms of their CMS and integrations.
Isa Tanis
@tracker_3 yeap, CMS is good
Demetre Mildiani
The more simply we can do something complex the more widely adapted it will become
Nick McBlain
I’ve built websites using both. And for some reason Framer just feels so much more intuitive to me. I recently used Framer for and even the fact it lets me write React code overrides makes it feel so much more powerful to me!
Kurtis Dane
I started with Webflow years ago and have stuck with it. It’s really flexible and I’ve yet to find something I can’t do with it. I haven’t tried Framer in years but I’m intrigued to see how it evolved. It seemed more like a Figma competitor early on. So… it must have pivoted a bunch in the meantime.
I choose Framer!
Webflow is more robust than Framer allowing pretty much complete control of design, complex animation, custom code, security, etc. However, for those familiar with Figma, Framer has a similar interface that is almost like designing in Figma. Each has its pros and cons, but for Webflow takes the cake. Hope this helps