Got #1 Product of the day and #4 Product of the week - here is what you need to do...
For real now - there is no "magic combination" or "the one trick".
Get that mindset out of your mind ASAP.
It's all about the Linkedin influencers from India...
Just kidding. Even though I got like 150 requests in my Linkedin inbox and another like 30 in my email. It's insane how is India taking over all the launches and asking for hundereds of dollars for post. Because they got 150k followers (till this day I'm not sure how, but it's gotta be bots man).
When you ignore all of these bots and focus on what really matters - it's all about hard work and effort you're ready to invest in the launch. And the work starts like 2 months before you even schedule your launch.
You need to get momentum. Be active here, within the PH community, make list of active members, connect on Linkedin, watch Hunters and what kind of product and categories they hunt, how far they can push the launch and most importantly - make sure you choose your Hunter based on the relevancy of your industry, forget the numbers like "PH followers".
We're about to publish a detailed post about our launch. If you want to get a sneak peak - comment here and I'll send it to you personaly.
Oh, and you can still signup for our LTD Waitlist, we got couple spots left:
The Drive AI
Huudle AI Project Assistant
REI Litics
Layoffs Tracker