@dzaitzow Yeah, thinking about launching there first since they have a built in audience or launch here first and then leverage that into appsumo launch?? What do you think
@reid_c I'll be doing - our beta community / mailing list first, Product Hunt second, and AppSumo / Affiliate Ecosystems third .. so on so forth.. But I think if you're earlier in your PH days - it likely makes sense to spend some time in this community building connections before launching - theres still a risk the launches fall flat but it's lower risk if you're really putting in the time on PH.
@dzaitzow After getting feedback like yours, and talking with our team too, we're gonna launch on PH first and get some feedback then go for the bigger one on Appsumo
@dzaitzow Not sure, gonna shoot for PH launch first week of Feb. and see how it goes. Maybe a month later? Like everyone, we're just figuring it out as we go?? What are you guys doing?
@reid_c Yes from the little research made so far I think it depends on the business model and the plans you're offering. When the pricing strategy is on point Product Hunt seems to be best to launch your product and once you get to 100+ users you get on AppSumo for large exposure
@rayan_zeggari Ya after getting some feedback on here I think that makes the most sense for us as well. We'll launch first on PH and then try and grow to an Appsumo launch
Not very familiar with Appsumo. Seeing a lot of life time deals there. For certain products having to provide support and pay for infrastructure indefinitely would be terrible for the maker.
What kind of pricing deal are you guys submitting there?
@jgani We've got a subscription based sales enablement tool. We're thinking of doing a lifetime discount for the annual contract amounts. What is yours like?
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