Daniel Zaitzow

Has anyone noticed a bunch of "bot-like" profiles all throughout the streaks section?


Just curious if anyone has noticed this or if it is something PH is actively working on. Ex. the same exact response types within discussions - always one word answers etc.

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Thanks Daniel, hadn't really looked, how do you report this to admins?
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@jeducious No idea - It's also hard to confirm they are bot accounts vs accounts run by a bunch of people looking to inflate certain launches / products. Hard to know - I just saw uniform behaviour at scale and figured I would see if anyone else was noticing it.
@dzaitzow I guess I am guilty of somehow filtering those posts out 😄. Or maybe I just don't read far enough down these discussion topics!
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@jeducious They totally blend in but I started seeing them as I was doing my outreach (sifting through the streaks list) and tons of their activity was close to the exact same.
Jad Sanaknaki
I have noticed it too - there are a lot of bot like profiles here!
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@jadsanaknaki yea I am trying to dig through and build my network - sifting through the streaks and I've noticed some themes/trends that all look and engage the exact same way. Weird.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@jadsanaknaki They are generally pretty on top of this stuff - Always curious what you can even do if they are just normal accounts that are operating like bots haha.
It looks like their profiles are generated from "this person does not exist." I am not sure if we should report or they are detected by PH.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@johnberg what do you mean generated from "This person does not exist"?
@dzaitzow There is a website where you can generate fake profile photos with AI. here: https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/