Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO

Have you ever founded a Startup?

I've found that while many consider founding a startup, very few actually take the plunge and enter the founding process. Have you already founded a startup? If so, what was your biggest challenge? If not, what has stopped you from founding your own startup so far?

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Philip Snyder
I don't think I have an idea yet that is at venture scale. Don't wanna give rocket fuel to a car.
Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
@philipsnyder If you have a general interest in founding, I'd be interested to know if you've tried ideation techniques? Besides the typical brainstorming, I've found that it's always interesting to learn what the biggest unsolved problems are for people in decision-making positions. Sometimes especially people who have no touch points with the industry of the decision makers can see and create solutions that people from the industry can't see.