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  • Help! My Goals Have Turned into Ghosts 👻

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    Hey Product Hunt community! 👋 I’ve recently started using a product to manage my goals, and it’s been going great—until my goals started ghosting me. 😱 I swear I had a goal to drink more water, but now it’s as elusive as my motivation to hit the gym. Has anyone else had their goals go AWOL on them? 🕵️‍♂️ Any tips on how to keep them from pulling a Houdini? I’m thinking of setting up a ghost-busting team, but I’m open to suggestions. 😂 P.S. If your goals start haunting you in your dreams, should you call a professional, or is that just part of the process? Asking for a friend. 😅 Looking forward to your spooky stories and sage advice!
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