Vlad Zivkovic

How big is your team?


Hey Product Hunters, happy Monday🚀🚀🚀! Some of us are teams of two, some have complete teams, and some are one man army! How many team members is in your team?

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Hey we are a team of 4.
Gary Ramirez
Because of the varied backgrounds and expertise of our team members, we are better equipped to work together to solve problems.
Solveig R
We at Team Captize App are currently two🧑🏼‍💻👩🏼‍💻
Vlad Golub
At clustr.io we are currently 9!
Andreas Møller
We are running a very small team, just 4 people at the moment but the output is incredible. We are live on PH today, please support https://www.producthunt.com/post...
At Zintlr, We're a lean team of 16 people. Yet, everyone has multiple responsibilities, and half of them are generalists.
Ekrem Çetinkaya
One is the way to go :))
Jordan Ellis
1 and 1/4. I'm a one man team, but the valuable support and insight I get from my fiancé and close family are worth their weight in gold.
You can say how small it is hahah. I am solo
Team of 5 and slowly growing!
Mason Williams
Hey Vladmir! We are around 20 right now 🚀
we are a team of 15.
Aleksandra Dikan
5 members))
Igor Lysenko
The larger the team, the more complex the structure in it, but this is not a problem if the company is growing.
Samuel ‎Mi
We're a team of three founders, looking to stay employee-less for as long as we can do everything ourselves on top-notch level. (accounting doesn't count🥹)
Sandra Djajic
Klu in the moment have 4 team members but with knowledge, work ethic and passion we make it seem like there is 10 of us 😀
Richard Gao
Just 3 people. Myself and 2 co-founders
Emin Taha Çelik
We are a team of 5, and working really hard to make other people's life easier. We are launching today! Waiting for your support.
Right now it consists of 6 highly efficient members. But planning to expand it in near future
Norman Dilthey
Indie/solopreneur right now building @DIalogAi_io