How can I create an interactive demo for launching, and what benefits can it bring me?
Tidyread is launching today, and a lot of friends, including the curious Nika, asked me how I made the first slide an interactive demo.
Initially, I didn’t plan to use it, but my team suggested that it might help boost conversions by allowing people to quickly experience the core features of the product. So, I decided to give it a try. There are several tools to choose from, and I used Arcade ( Surprisingly, it only took me half an hour to create it, including all the materials preparation time.
Here are three key points I’d like to share:
1. Focus on the Core Process: Only include the essential flow in your interactive demo. Remove parts like the product landing page and login. Allow your potential users to experience the core value of your product as quickly as possible!
2. Title Your Demo Wisely: On Product Hunt, users can't see how many steps are in the demo. If you don't give them a heads-up, they might think it's a waste of time and leave. So I named it "Five Steps through Tidyread."
3. Conversion Impact: What's the actual difference in conversion rates with and without an interactive demo? I'm not sure, but today over 10 people gave me feedback saying they liked our demo and that it helped them quickly understand the product. So, I believe it definitely helps, as long as you follow the first two principles.
Here’s Tidyread's interactive demo: