I wanted to know what music other people listen to.. So I started with building something which would later turn into uthupia (a social media app, which focuses on aesthetics, art, music and all forms of creative creation).. It's now finished, and next week official release here on product hunt.. the App is already on App Store and Play Store.
@yamisun Hey Yami.. I'm launching uthupia tomorrow in case you want to get notified.. producthunt.com/products/uthupia-home-of-aesthetics
looking forward to hear your feedback and thank you.
When I started my previous project, I couldn't find a suitable solution to my problem (preparing calculations for investors), so I decided to create a solution myself.
As a senior financial analyst working in NYC, I felt like I needed a side hustle. However, all the options car sharing, food delivery, dog walking, short term rentsls) were either undesirable or unrealistic. So I went on creating a side hustle platform made specifally for professionals to use their career as a side hustle.
Would appreciate any support of our marketplace launch taking place in 8 days