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  • How did you come up with the name for your startup?

    Muhammad Hassan
    11 replies


    Luke Wright
    The name for our start-up came to me during a hike in the mountains, where I saw a rare flower resiliently blooming amidst the rocky terrain. Inspired by its strength and beauty, I knew it perfectly represented our vision. So, we named our company "RockBloom"
    That's a good question. For me I called my productivity system Focused because that is one of the main goals to help people achieve. Essentially become targeted focus on your life goals. Combine that with sustainable productivity and it enables people to achieve their goals without experiencing stress, anxiety or burnout. This is achieved through all of my years of experience in using many world-class leading systems and what works and doesn't work. I've built it out of my pain of burnout to help people achieve success. If you are interested, you can find out more here - focusednotion.me. I am planning to launch soon.
    Jordan J. Dominguez
    If you're asking about the name itself (TimeAlign), then it just fit perfectly with what we were doing, aka building an app to help people align their time with their goals! But if you're talking about the actual process, I got my co-founders together and we had a big Google Sheet. Then we each brainstormed and added every single possible name we could think of into it. And I mean EVERY name, even the "bad" ones (like Ted Lasso says, "don't bring an umbrella to a brainstorm"). Once we were done brainstorming for a bit, we made columns for each of us to rank the names on a scale of 1 to 5, but did it in a way where none of us could see the other's votes. Finally, we averaged the columns and sorted the names from best to worst. We then got together and discussed the top 10-20 or so of them, mixing and mashing and debating until we found the "right" name. And I'm quite happy with it!
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Manage mates — managemate — mgmate I love dad jokes and wordplay too much I guess
    KurachiWeb 倉地 俊輔
    The concept of my service is "Learn like a book, but shorter than a book". That became a "ShortBook". In the final stages of deciding on a name, I used WIPO to research that no trademarks had been registered in the IT field. https://branddb.wipo.int/en/simi...
    Kevin Not-A-Robot
    All though my startup is more of a newsletter, I chosen the name "The Good Bad Ugly.AI" based off the classic Clint Eastwood spaghetti western, "The Good The Bad The Ugly." The western theme is inspired by the fact that the current landscape for AI and AI products is like a wild frontier that is yet to be tamed.
    Hitesh Bhakal
    I think coming up with the name for a startup is indeed one of the toughest tasks for any founder or owner. It's great to see other comments in this thread. Thanks for starting this discussion!
    Muhammad G
    Launching soon!
    I'm curious to know how you decided on the name of your startup. The stories behind names are always interesting!
    Maxwell Bennett Crawford
    We brainstormed a bunch of ideas related to our product and mission. Wanted something short, memorable and available as a .com domain. Bounced ideas off friends/family until we narrowed it down to our top 3. Ended up going with the name that had the best 'vibe' and felt right for our brand. Definitely wasn't easy though - naming is surprisingly tough!
    CY Zhou
    I came up our product name Vozo by brainstorming with ChatGPT, and here is the trick: Chat with GPT, in a very layback way, like with an old friend. Be very patient. In the Vozo case, we talked about why we built this product, our motivation, what problems we try to solve, who are our target users, its key features, etc. And from time to time, I asked about name recommendations. After 2 hours or so, we converged at Vozo and I loved it. Vozo has a very nice shape and also sounds great. Besides, Vozo = Video/Voice Zone, it aligns with our vision that everyone has his/her own zone of free video expression. Btw, vozo.ai is launching in PH on this Monday. Check it out and support if you like. Below is a youtube video made with Vozo, just for a laugh 😄 https://shorturl.at/iMdTJ
    Ric Richardson
    Self-explanatory - Anonymous Age Verification :)