How do you approach problem-solving when faced with a coding challenge?

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Ahmad kamal anwar
Breakdown the script Debug the problem Brainstorm the solution Select a best solution Implement the solution Test the script and Improve it Optimization of the code
Ghost Kitty
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Aristo Coutinho
Understand the Problem: Brainstorm Possible Solutions: Design an Algorithm: Implement the Solution: Test and Debug the Code: Optimize and Improve:
Rubberducking works pretty well 🦆
Parth Kunjir
Hey Guys, When tackling a coding challenge, I like to: Break it down into smaller parts. Understand the problem thoroughly before diving in. Sketch out potential solutions on paper. Test each part as I go to catch bugs early.
Ghost Kitty
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Caroline Schmidt
Take your time to dive deep into the problem, analyze the cause, and fix it. Then spend some time to make it as efficient and clean as possible. ✨ Or, try the more popular approach: Think about a possible solution, try it, fail. Think about another solution, try that one, fail again. Repeat the process 2 to 5 times. Eventually, you'll understand the grumpiness of software developers. 🤣
Mihajlo Kovacevic
Breaking down the problem into smaller steps, after solving each step, testing to see if it gives the expected results, if not, fix it, repeat until solved :)
Konrad S.
2 important thing to add: * Check if the problem has been solved already: Web search, Stack Overflow search, etc. * Backtracking: Check if the problem you want to solve really needs to be solved for the for your actual objective (at a higher level), or if this objective can be reached in a "completely different" way more easily.