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  • How do you avoid getting burned out?

    Sadath N
    9 replies


    Gene Nemirovsky
    By changing activities and caring for physical, mental, social, and emotional health.
    Igor Lysenko
    Quality holiday!
    Jake Tital
    Workout daily. Make a check list and eat well :)
    Ivan Vorobyev
    Totally agree that only quality vacations can help avoid burnout. Recently I experienced it on myself. Working for a long time without rest, I realized that my burnout has already come very close and my rest I just need. So I made a decision to travel. I spent a long time choosing a place and read a lot of information on the portal https://egypttour.info/ about what to do, where to rest, what interesting things to see and even what companies do business in this country.
    Gurkaran Singh
    To prevent burnout, I mix work with play like a balanced code cocktail - a shot of productivity with a splash of relaxation! 🍹
    Sanja Micic
    Training at least 3 times a week. Conversations with friends and quality sleep.
    Evelin Champlin
    I usually distract myself by playing games with my friends online or engaging in online card games. This helps me relax and stay calm.
    Evelin Champlin
    @william_b_serna this article may help you to enchance more your knowledge in online card gaming, https://byc-news.de/gaming-strea... check it out