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  • How do you decide what products to upvote?

    Vincent Lonij
    12 replies
    Sometimes a great headline is enough for me. What do you do?


    André J
    Personally I look for disruptive products. They are few and far between so I usually give some feedback / upvotes on products that could have potential to be that. To give them a helping hand.
    Vincent Lonij
    Thread - Wireframe Generator
    Thread - Wireframe Generator
    @sentry_co Love that you try to give support to products with potential. I think that's really the spirit of PH. :)
    André J
    @vincentropy I agree. it might not resonate with me, but then I talk to someone later who has that pain, and forward them to the producthunt post. Happened a few days ago with the layoffs.fyi product. It blew up in a FAANG slack im apart of.
    Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
    A very good poll.
    Upvote products that inspire you, offer unique value, and solve real problems! Show support for innovative solutions that make a positive impact. Let's champion creativity and meaningful contributions together!
    Doris Peterson
    I decide what products to upvote based on their innovation, utility, design, the problem they aim to solve, and the quality of their presentation, all while considering the relevance to my personal or professional interests and the potential impact on the wider community.
    Vincent Lonij
    Thread - Wireframe Generator
    Thread - Wireframe Generator
    @dorpet_norcal That makes a lot of sense. How far do you go to determine those factors? Do you try before voting?
    Aakrity Madhan
    Open dataset library
    Open dataset library
    I love trying the products - mostly upvoting the ones who are either disrupters in their use case and user friendlyness or the ones that are made just for fun and spark joy. I think brilliant things can come of the latter.
    I suppose I should vote on multiple choices. First it needs to be something I understand and I could use in the headline. Logo animation is really not important to me, since a great product could have a poor logo, making poor logos myself I understand it. But screenshots and videos could already convince me to upvote without having the use to look to the landing page or even try the product. But sometimes I go to the landing page, sometimes I use the product.
    Kevin Brendel
    I look for something that seems either useful to me or like something cool and new that I think is a valuable addition to the existing market. For this reason, I generally stay away from products that seem to lean too heavily into a current trend without having something immediately special about them.