How do you decompress after a long day of being a Maker?


I'll go first. I workout, shower and sometimes take some CBD.

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Roos van der Jagt
cuddle with my cats after a bike-ride in the woods and play pretend to be a chef cook does work too....
Roos van der Jagt
@privy_reviews anything oriental, and you? I follow chefs on Instagram, for inspiration. Mostly to be amazed by them though. :)
@roosvanderjagt What do you like to cook? I'm always looking for new recipes.
Fabio Viola
Can't be said in public, all illegal or immoral! πŸ˜„ Just kidding! I do pretty much the same as you...
Ashley Barrett
@tailormeta πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ +1 I’ll add that I’ll meditate prior too
@tailormeta LOL Wait! you've got my attention now!
Fabio Viola
@privy_reviews The CBD is light to relax πŸ˜‚
@tailormeta It has THC too lol
Well usually the kids entertain me for a bit and then I usually do a bit of gaming πŸ˜€
@maxwellcdavis Gaming is a great way to decompress. Do you stream at all?
@privy_reviews I used to stream 3-4 times a week - actually came up with an idea for a product whilst doing so which I've been working on πŸ˜€ Sadly though that took all the spare time I had away from streaming!
@maxwellcdavis May I ask what your product is?
Ahmet Muhammed Ertugrul
It is necessary to step on the ground or sand with bare feet and remove the electricity in the body. It is necessary to protect from electromagnetic pollution by making a Faraday Cage for devices that emit signals such as ADSL modems. Electromagnetic pollution wears people out. It is necessary to use healing natural stones.
@ahmetmertugrul I will often go out into my backyard barefoot and sit down next to my bees. Their energy is very soothing and it's fun to watch them work.
Pleasure Meditation
@privy_reviews Sit down next to your BEES? Wow. How cool is THAT? :-)
Andrew James
Switching gears is key. I love a good hike or hitting the local climbing gym. Keeps the brain fresh and the body active.
@ajam_3s Yes, I really believe no amount of mindfulness or mediation can substitute being phyically active.
Axel Borry
Running πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ till I have nothing to give anymore :)
@nickyborry Nothing beats the runners high!
AndrΓ© J
mountain or beach walk 😬
@sentry_co You live in a place where you have beaches AND mountains near by? Lucky!
AndrΓ© J
@privy_reviews Half the time yes. And the other half in the city. I need the tranquility of the countryside but also the vibrancy of the city. πŸ™
Mark Pavlyukovskyy
I unwind by taking walks, enjoying music, and spending time with loved ones after a busy day
@mark_pavlyukovskyy All great ways to decompress!
Shajedul Karim
hey sis, decompressing after a long day of crafting and tinkering is essential, isn't it? like letting the steam out of a pressure cooker, it brings us back to equilibrium. for me, decompression is as much about the mind as it is about the body. i often turn to nature for solace. a walk in the park, observing the subtleties of the world around me. it's like a gentle massage for the mind. there's something incredibly grounding about feeling the wind in your hair, hearing the rustle of leaves, soaking in the hues of a setting sun. on the flip side, immersing myself in words is another way to decompress. it could be a book, an insightful article, a stirring poem. the dance of words, their rhythm, their wisdom - it's a different kind of nourishment. i particularly enjoy pieces that push my perspectives, that make me pause and ponder. and lastly, the act of reflecting is an integral part of my decompression routine. jotting down thoughts from the day, a quiet conversation with myself. not so much analysis as it is acknowledgment of the journey, the victories, the lessons, the feelings. so, nature, words, and reflection - my trifecta for decompression. each offering a unique form of solace, a different shade of tranquility.
@shajedulkarim_ Beautifully written Shajedul
Marilena Nikou
chill outdoors, drink some tea, read a book, do some personal care!
@marilena_n Yes, personal care is super important. I fit that in between the shower and CBD :)
Alasdair Gauld
Get out on the bike 🚲
@alasdair_gauld Biking is a great activity. Keeps the heart healthy and the mind clear.
Jean Stewart
A solid mix of downtime, fun, and hobbies. I enjoy a good book or a long run. Often, it's just a chill Netflix evening. Keeping balance is key.
@jeanstewie Have any good Netflix or book recommendations?
Vladislavs Sprengels
I like to stretch and also workout, usually weight lifting or cardio. If I am not in a mood to workout than I go outside to touch some grass! πŸ˜„ Also working on hobbies like music producing is relaxing.
@vladislavs_sprengels When you touch grass you're grounding yourself to the earth. I love that idea.
Vlad Zivkovic
Swim in the pool.
@vladimir_zivkovic Do you swim laps? Or just chill on your inflatable?
Lee Launches
Trip to the beach in the campervan!
Eilan Laken
Play Apex Legends or work on my side side project πŸ”₯
Igor Lysenko
I drink tea and do sports. Sometimes I can read a book to knock down the thoughts in my head.
@ixord I also live tea but I drink it in the mourning. What type of sports do you play?
Pleasure Meditation
A soak in the pool, some time with a water jet and a couple of drinks. Mission accomplished.
amanah alfian
Ellis Pinsky
Drink some sangria after I launched my product today!