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  • How do you feel about people using LLMs to comment on a discussion?

    hafid Ahlaqach
    11 replies


    Mercy James
    I think LLMs can be useful for handling repetitive questions or providing quick answers. However, they shouldn’t replace genuine human engagement.
    hafid Ahlaqach
    @mercy_james3 Yes i agree about the repetitive questions. but if for example i am asking for a human feedback and someone just generates an answer out of thin air with an llm is confusing
    Idris Saidu
    I’m okay with LLMs being used to comment as long as it’s disclosed.
    hafid Ahlaqach
    @idris_saidu almost all the time it's never disclosed and someone might just have a discussion with an LLM thinking they are interacting with another human
    Rebaika James
    I believe LLMs can add value by generating thoughtful responses quickly.
    hafid Ahlaqach
    @rebaika_james I think humans know how to connect with other humans best. and using LLMs you will never have a similar connection
    Rohit Kumar
    I’m cautious about LLMs in discussions because they might lack the emotional nuance humans provide. It’s crucial to have human oversight to ensure meaningful interactions.
    hafid Ahlaqach
    @rothit_kumar_cd yeah, the biggest problem with LLM's is that they will never say things like : "i am not sure" or "i don't know"
    Jake Hamilton-Daynes
    I think it's lazy - if I'm going to have a conversation with someone, I want to have it with them, not an LLM.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Hey, using LLMs in a discussion is like bringing a Swiss Army knife to a coding party - versatile, but might raise a few eyebrows! Nonetheless, it's all in good techno-fun!