Benoit Chambon

How do you feel?

(Be spontaneous😉 !)

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Jonathan Amsili
Feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster following Google Analytics for my just-launched product. Need to somehow limit my access to once or twice a day!
Promise Emeka
@jamsili We are on thesame boat... hehe I check once a day before I go crazy.
Alexa Vovchenko
Feel like b2b sales cycle is endless
emi kobayashi
Pretty good! And you?
Benoit Chambon
@pinaco started the week pretty well, until I felt sick lol🤮
Matthew Johnson
Had a rough couple weeks but feeling really good this week 🔥
Amine Dahimene
I had enough of the Covid-19 lockdowns
Stefan Manku
Feeling good - a few things are heading in the right direction which is a positive feeling... though naturally this has taken time to get to!
Benoit Chambon
Pretty good! Still enjoying last week's victories, and focusing on the next tasks ;-)
Cica-Laure Mbappé
Feeling drained but relieved. I just did my daily workout and my legs hurt 😅 How about you?
Slava Kiose
Very nice! Thanks
Sarah Ksikes (Sideklick)
Pretty good ! @benoit_chambon, and you ?
Sarah Ksikes (Sideklick)
@benoit_chambon Congratulations my friend ! What was it about?
John Smith
Cold, we have -5 for a week now.
Pritam Chougale
The worst feeling is you manager does not have a marketing mindset. He still thinks content marketing is just product description :D
Carrie Doster
Quite Good :)
Hwei Oh
Craving a cupcake around now...
Excited and nervous at the same time..! :)
Benoit Chambon
@borawork oooh! why? :)
Mr. Simi
Not good at all. We use our twitter account to push traffic to the website and it a week ago the account was suspended. Created another one while we query for the first one, and that still got suspended and caused my co-founder's energy to drain to zero real quick. We took a break for a week and we are back at it today
Great to be here!
Shifullah Mansur
Peter Faith
Nice nd good