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  • How do you fight with Customer Churn?

    Ostap Yaroshevych
    13 replies
    Working with a team to reduce customer churn for our product. So, looking for any tips/ways that could help us.


    Julie John
    Here is the complete guide how you can fight customer churn! https://www.subscriptionflow.com...
    Stefani Sparysheva
    Which methods have you already tried? My advice is: Pay attention to negative feedback and trasform it into a plan of what should be improved. Talk to people (not just customers). Get back to churned customers with an improved offer.
    Ostap Yaroshevych
    @stefaniya_sparysheva we use different methods such as email reminder, feature adoption campaigns, also, try to get more insights by taking user interviews
    Olya Zabalkanska
    try to increase engagement with emails or push notifications to get users to come back to the platform more often
    Cem Bulut
    In my experience, it's good product onboarding, well fit emailing and push scenarios and a comprehensive library customers can go when they are stuck. Closer product gets to in-person engagement, higher the retention rates go.
    Ostap Yaroshevych
    @cem_bulut nice move, onboarding is a great way to establish long-term relationships and make them come to your product again and again.
    Yara Matiash
    Ongoing tracking of how happy your customers are and how actively they use your solution is a good option. If for some reason they dislike smth, you can learn about this before they go. Then offer some help/share advice that will improve your client's experience and make them happier and loyal as a result ;)
    Ostap Yaroshevych
    @yaramatiash Agreed, but it always hard to get feedback from users, especially after they canceled subscription
    Rhea Reanoga
    @ostap_yaroshevych get feedbacks from your customers - the worse is the better as you'll learn massively from it. Feel free to reach me in LinkedIn to help you further on this.
    Ostap Yaroshevych
    @rhea_reanoga thanks for your tips, we do interviews to learn more from our users, I think we should do more.
    Rhea Reanoga
    @ostap_yaroshevych Great to hear! Try also directing this post to wizly.app to get the experts' tips for this too.